Cedar Class

Cedar Class Learning for 1st April 2020

Please see the weekly activities post/the corresponding section on the class website for the spelling and arithmetic focus for this week, along with additional tasks which can be completed.

The tasks on Purple Mash have been reset so that any children who did not get a chance to complete them can have a go. If you already did complete the tasks, you do not need to do it again; ignore the “soil quiz” and “plant diary” on your 2Do page.

There is a video file below which has a picture to help with English, and a maths problem. The video will be viewable as slides on the class website, and available to download, if this is easier for you.

English: LO: to finish off my story.

Yesterday you wrote the first part of your story, up to where the problem was introduced.

Today, you are going to finish off your story. Use your story map (which you created on Monday) to help you. In Arthur and the Golden Rope, the bits you would be writing today are:

– Arthur’s journey to the land of the Viking Gods (you could do this as a picture like we discussed in the Mundford junction for an extra challenge – see the video below or the slides on the class website).

– Arthur arriving at the land of the Gods and asking Thor for help.

– Arthur having to capture the sound of a cat’s footfall and the root of a mountain for Thor.

– The golden rope being created.

– Arthur and Thor finding Fenrir, the gigantic battle, Arthur capturing Fenrir using the hand of time.

– Arthur and Thor returning to Arthur’s home, relighting the fire.

– Arthur being a hero and all of the town liking him again.

Once finished, check your work and make sure you have included some of the language devices I listed yesterday (also below). If you want to illustrate your work as well that would be brilliant to see. I am looking forward to reading your stories!

As per yesterday’s post:

I expect you to be using capital letters, full stops, and joining your handwriting. I would really like to see the following in your writing:

Exciting adjectives,

Use of adverbs (these describe a verb: Arthur slowly walked – slowly is the adverb as it describes HOW Arthur walked),

Adverbials (which state where, how, or when something is happening – In the sea, At the town, Without warning, Unexpectedly, All of a sudden, Next, etc.),

And, as an extra challenge, some direct speech punctuated correctly with speech marks.

Maths: LO: to solve a problem.
In class we have had two problem solving sessions in maths, where we look at a word problem and try to solve it logically. These problems are all about trial and error, and experimenting with numbers to see how we can find the answer to a problem. In the video below, and also available on the classroom website, I have placed a problem I would like you to try and solve. Show me how you worked it out in your workbook – I would like to see how you used trial and error to solve the problem. The video (also available as slides on the class website) has a few tips to help you get started – using counters (or anything similar you can find) for this can be a big help! If you want an example of a table you can use to help your problem solving, look at the third slide on the video.

Take you time and see how you get on.

Click here to reveal the answer

There are seven children in the Brown family: three boys and four girls.

Computing: In computing we have been using 2Code to start creating a game. I have set a 2Do of a game planning sheet for you to outline what your game will be about. I have also set 2Code – Gibbon level for the whole of April. Use the Gibbon level to create your game using all of the skills we learned in class. If you have trouble, search Purple Mash for ‘2Code video tutorials’. This might be quite tricky, which is why I will leave the task open all month long. If you can create a fully working game, save it and hand it in so I can see! Any completed games will be used in class once we are back, we will have a competition to see which game is the best!