Elm Class learning Mon 30th March
Spellings– This week we are focusing on the ‘i before e except after c’ spelling rule. Can you find some examples of these words? In words which have an ‘i’ and an ‘e’ next to each other, the ‘i’ always comes first unless they come after the letter ‘c’. If they do, then the ‘e’ comes first, followed by the ‘i’. Be careful with this rule, as there are some exceptions!
English: Today, I would like you to think about some direct and reported speech you could include in the newspaper. This could be from a worried resident of Little Weirwold after the news of the war or even the teacher of the local primary school and her views on how this will affect life in Little Weirwold from now on. On the class page of the school website, I have uploaded an example of direct and reported speech from the Blitz newspaper article- highlighting the key punctuation and grammatical features you will need to think about including. Can you write 1 or 2 paragraphs with direct and reported speech quotes for your newspaper article? Remember direct speech is a sentence in which the exact words spoken are written in speech marks, reported speech however is when the general points of what someone has said are reported and summarised, without actually writing the speech out in full.
Arithmetic: Finding percentages of amounts, I have uploaded a practice sheet onto the website for arithmetic if you would like some ideas of questions, if not you can make your own up!
Maths: Practice of converting between fractions, decimals and percentages- on the class webpage I have uploaded differentiated activities, you can choose between red, amber and green depending on how confident you are. The ‘E’ section is an extension and if you’re feeling really brave, I have uploaded some fraction, decimal and percentage reasoning challenges!
Science: Using the knowledge organiser and what we have covered, can you create your own Fact file about everything we have learnt on light? This could be in the form of a mind map, poster, leaflet, magazine style page- however you wish, be creative!
If you get stuck on anything, do not worry! Just have a go and move on.
Additional: The children should be reading for 20 mins a day and practicing spellings 10 mins a day. Try and get out for some fresh air? Daily mile in the garden, colouring, board games, baking? Practice of times tables.
Hope you are all ok, missing you all!
Miss Coates.😊