Elm Class Learning Tue 24th March 2020
Spelling focus: To practice ‘ure’ ending words- look, say, cover write check.
English: We will be writing a newspaper article based on the announcement of World War 2 in Little Weirwold, from Goodnight Mr Tom. Today, I would like you to write the introduction to your newspaper article. Your introduction should include the 5W’s- the who, what, where, when and why- and should be short and snappy. I have uploaded this chapter to the website, so you can refer back to this when writing, to remind yourself of the facts.
Maths: You looked at 2D shapes yesterday. Can you find examples of these 2D shapes around your house or think of your own example and discuss their properties? Can you create a poster on the different 2D shapes, to help remember their names and properties?
Arithmetic: Practice of adding and subtracting decimals with a different number of decimal places.
P.E: If you can, go out into the garden and get some fresh air! Can you practice your netball passing skills if you have access to a ball? If not, can you have a go at the daily mile around your garden and try some simple exercises? Joe Wicks is also providing good videos to follow for exercise activities.
Additional: Read a book, practice times tables, play a board game!
Thank you,
Miss Coates.