Rowan Class

Rowan Class Tuesday 24th March

English:  Identifying features of a Newspaper Report.  You can download a free copy of First News, the children’s newspaper we have at school, from Can children spot: a headline, introductory paragraph with the 5 Ws (who, what, when, where, why), subtitles, captions for photographs, story written in the first person & past tense  usually in a  formal style with both direct and reported speech?  Look at a selection of different news articles and compare them.

Maths Y4: Multiplying & dividing decimals by 10 and 100.  Children could look for numbers around the house and then multiply and divide the numbers they find by 10 and 100. Y5 Maths download

Maths Y5: Converting between units of length (e.g. metres, centimetres, kilometres, millimetres).  Children could measure things around the house and record them in different units, including use of decimals.

History: Who has invaded Britain in the past?  Can we put events in chronological (time) order?  Use your Invaders knowledge organiser or one of these websites ( & ) to create a timeline of British history.  Can you put the main invaders (Celts, Romans, Saxons, Vikings & Normans) in the order they lived here?

P4C Discuss: Is it okay to invade someone less powerful than you, just because you know you will win?  (Thanks go to Evie for coming up with this great question)