Rowan Class Tuesday 31st March
English: Act in role and retell an event from a character’s perspective. Watch this video: Imagine you were one of the Vikings. Act out or describe the raid from your perspective. Now pretend to be a monk, how would they describe what happened?
Maths: Estimating Capacity. Look at a range of containers in the kitchen: how many millilitres of water do you think they will hold? Can you order them from smallest to greatest capacity? Give everyone a glass or cup: can they fill it with what they think is ¼ of a litre? Who got closest? (Remember 1 litre = 1000ml). Y5 could also look at pints and explore how they roughly relate to millilitres.
Science/PE: Can you carry out a fair test to find out which exercise raises your pulse the most? E.g. you could compare running on the spot, star jumps, skipping, press ups, squats or any others you can think of. Remember to make the test fair you must control all variables and keep everything the same except for the exercise you do. Can you record your results in a bar chart? Miss Brown is trying to keep fit at home too, so please let me know your results and which exercises you think will make me work the hardest!