Rowan Class

Rowan Class Wednesday 25th March

  • English:  Punctuating direct speech.  Children could look for examples of speech in the newspaper articles they read yesterday and in their school reading books.   Miss Brown explained  “The main things to notice are the speech marks, a reporting clause saying who is speaking, punctuation inside the speech marks and starting a new line for each new speaker.”   An activity on this can be downloaded from the class webpage or check out the video & quiz here:   Year 5 should also look at the difference between direct and indirect speech:

  • Maths:  Y4 Fractions of numbers.  Y5 Finding Fractions of measurements.  Children know that a fraction is found by dividing by the denominator (bottom) and multiplying by the numerator (top).  They also know how to draw bar models to show this.  Y4s could find objects around the house (e.g. sweets, marbles, coloured pencils) and organise them into fractions.  Y5s should work out fractions using their knowledge of metric measurements (e.g. If there are 1000ml in a litre, then 3/5 of a litre is 600ml).
  • Art:  Produce a still life drawing.  This could be something in your house (e.g. a bowl of fruit or a vase) or something you can see outside (e.g. tree, flowers).  Use shading to try and make it look as realistic as possible.
  • Computing: There are additional activities for this week set up as To Dos for the children on Purple Mash.