Skylarks home learning Monday 23rd March
Please find below the powerpoint for Monday’s learning.
I have put a link in the morning activity for The Body Coach youtube channel. He is offering PE lessons every morning at 9am starting from Monday. What a great way to wake up your brain, I may even have a go myself!
Maths: Can you solve a maths mystery looking at number patterns?
Arithmetic: Carrying on from Friday’s multiplication – this time we are multiplying a single digit number by a three digit number.
English: Please write up your leaflets on your chosen country. Include pictures, captions and anything else you think may persuade a Viking to raid this country next! Use the persuasive techniques looked at over the last couple of days.
Spelling: spelling the ‘f’, ‘l’, ‘s’, ‘z’ and ‘k’ sounds at the end of words.
PSHE: Looking at how kindness affects others. Computing: Exploring ways that we can be safe online.