Cedar Class Learning for 21st April 2020
Please see the weekly activities post/the corresponding section on the class website for the spelling and arithmetic focus for this week, along with additional tasks which can be completed. The weekly activity post also has a list of tasks for the afternoon work – a project on Japan.
English: LO: to consider how information can be presented. This term you will be completing some project work on Japan. Today I would like you to think about how you can present your research findings so that they are interesting. If you have any leaflets for any attractions around the house go and find them, if not think about some leaflets for places to visit you may have seen before or have a look on the internet for some.
When you look at the leaflets, what makes them stand out to you? The people who created them had the goal of making them look interesting so that people pick them up and read them. Can you write down a bullet point list of 6 things on the leaflet which make you want to read it?
When you are completing your project work this afternoon, use your list to give you ideas on how you could present your Japan project in a fun and interesting way. Try and use all of the points you noted!
Maths: LO: to use the 24 hour clock. Yesterday you looked at the 24 hour clock and how to tell the time using this. Today, I would like you to keep a diary of what you do throughout the day and record the time next to each event in your diary. You can use the 12 hour clock or the 24 hour clock but, if you are really want to challenge yourself, write the time using both clocks.
For example: 7:00 AM – Woke up; 7:30 AM – Had breakfast….