Cedar Class

Cedar class learning for 22 APR 2020

Please see the weekly activities post/the corresponding section on the class website for the spelling and arithmetic focus for this week, along with additional tasks which can be completed. The weekly activity post also has a list of tasks for the afternoon work – a project on Japan.

English: LO: to practise note-taking.

When doing your research project, you will likely use the internet or a book to make your posters/present your findings on Japan. An important skill for getting the important information you need it note-taking; if you can’t make notes you end up copying out lots and lots of information and it takes a lot of time!

When taking notes, you write down the most important bits of the information and use your brain to fill in the blanks. For example, if the piece of information I was reading in a book on dogs said:

“There are lots of different types of dog around the world, but all of them have a few things in common. All dogs need to have regular exercise (either walking, running or playing catch with a ball), food and water. Most importantly, dogs need to be loved by their owners”.

My notes would look like this:

“Dogs –

Lots of different types,

Need exercise – walk, run, playing,

Need food,

Need water,

Need love from owners.”

Try practising your note taking skills by writing down the important information from a TV advert or something on the news. Then, make sure you use your note-taking skills when completing your Japan project later!

Maths: LO: to estimate time.

Today I would like you to use your estimating (guessing) skills around time. Think of something you need to do today (this could be one of your school tasks, or something fun like playing a game in the garden). Estimate (guess) how long it will take you to do this task and write it down in your workbook. Use hours, minutes and seconds to make your guess. For example if I needed to tidy my room I could look around my room and see that it wasn’t too messy. I might then estimate that it will take me 10 minutes and 15 seconds to tidy. Then, get a stopwatch (most phones and tablets have a stopwatch function) and time how long it takes you to complete your task or game. Write down the actual time taken – did it take longer or less time than you estimated? For an extra challenge, you could calculate the time difference between your estimate and the actual time.