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Elm Class Tues 28th April 2020

Suggested learning Elm Class.
Spellings: This week, I would like you to look at words ending cian, tion and sion. The rules for adding these suffixes to a root word are as follows:
–tion is the most common spelling. It is used if the root word ends in t or te. –ssion is used if the root word ends in ss or –mit.
–sion is used if the root word ends in d or se.
Exceptions: attend – attention, intend – intention.
–cian is used if the root word ends in c or cs.
Today, can you practice some of the words you found yesterday using the look, say, cover, write, check method?

Arithmetic: BODMAS! (I’m sure you and family members would love to see the youtube video on how to remember the order of Bodmas- I will link it below!)
Can you have a go at these questions?
20- 10 ÷ 5 =
36 ÷ 6 – 2=
(3 x 4) ÷ 2=
7² + 4² – 3 =
3³ – 7 + ( 5 x 4) =

Grammar: We will be looking at more word classes this week! Today I would like us to recap pronouns! A pronoun is a word used to replace a noun.
Examples of pronouns are: he, she, it, they. We use pronouns so that we don’t need to keep repeating the same nouns; for example, rather than repeat the noun ‘the car’ in this sentence, we use a pronoun (in bold):
We took the car to the garage because the car needed fixing.
We took the car to the garage because it needed fixing.
Can you find some pronouns in sentences within a reading book? Can you write 3 sentences, which include different pronouns?

English: Today I would like you to consider how Willie would be feeling now he has to go back to London. Write a diary entry as Willie on the night before he has to leave. How would he be feeling? Look back over the last few months and consider what he has enjoyed about being in the countryside. What will he miss? Remember to use descriptive and emotive language. A diary is for private writing so he can put whatever he wants in it without the fear of someone else reading it. He can write how he truly feels. You might find it helpful to act out a scene where someone wants you to leave somewhere which you love.

Maths: L.O- I can use mental maths strategies to calculate change. I have attached below a list of food and some prices or you could make up a food list and prices of your own. (This list is also below if this helps!)
Can you choose 3 items, add them up mentally? What is the change from a £5 note?
Can you choose 4 items, add them up mentally? What is the change from a £10 note?
Can you add up 5-7 items mentally? What is the change from a £20 note?
Just remember, you can also use jottings to help you work change out mentally, below is a picture to show you how to do this.

Challenge: Choose a few items from the shopping list. Are there different combinations of coins you could use to pay for this? Is there something you have been saving up for? What is the price? Are there different combinations of notes and coins you could use to pay for this?

Topic: Can you choose a different activity from the Japan activity list on festivals today? Could you research a different festival or create something on a festival you have been looking at so far?
Hope you are all ok!
Miss Coates.