Oak Class Friday 1st May
It’s feel good Friday! I hope you are all still feeling good!
Phonics: Use the er sounds in the words sister and brother. Can you use these words in a sentence? Can you write the sentences down? Can you read the sentences to someone in your family.
Maths: Money, counting coins. Today could you please get some 2p coins to help you count in sets of 2. How much is each coin worth? Now add 2p more. How much have you got now?
Could you try counting with 5p coins? What about 10p coins?
If you can find the You Tube Count in tens by hopscotch clip, you could learn your tens times table! Perhaps you could video it and post it of you singing! I have missed our singing sessions!
Japan: Japan has lots of different interesting festivals. Which other festival could you find out about and share it with us all.
Take care and have a great weekend.
Mrs T 😆