
Skylarks suggested learning Monday 20th April

Welcome back! Please find below the suggested activities for Skylarks. 

Maths – We will be focusing on time this week alongside Owls and Kestrels. We will be using seconds and minutes to think about how long our daily activities take and will convert between these units of time. 

English – Mrs. Godbold’s Big Write Challenge! 

Afternoon activities – we are starting a whole school project on Japan this half term. Our focus this week is the geography and climate of Japan. Choose one or two activities from the list on the last PowerPoint slide to have a go at each day. Some are longer and some are shorter but it is up to you which ones you do in what order! Feel free to do activities from other class lists too and don’t worry if some activities need a few days to complete! 🙂 

Arithmetic and Spelling – division using known times tables and using the plural and singular posessive apostrophe.