Cedar class learning for 05 MAY 2020
Cedar class learning for 05 MAY 2020
English: LO: to create clear instructions.
Yesterday you read and thought about the features of instructions. Today, I want you to try an activity which will show you how important it is to make instructions clear. I would like you to pretend that you have just received a new robot which can help you out around the house. The only problem is, the robot needs to be told exactly what to do, as it didn’t come with any knowledge of the tasks it can complete! Pick a simple activity, such as making a sandwich or making a cup of tea, and write some instructions telling your robot how to do this. Then, give the instructions to someone in your home (or do it yourself if no one is available) and follow them exactly. You can’t do anything which isn’t on your instruction page, and have to do things exactly how the instructions say to. Make sure you think carefully about your choice of words:
– ‘Throw the teabag in the bin’ might make the robot do an overarm throw with all it’s strength towards a bin outside!
– ‘Put jam on the bread’ might make the robot empty a whole jar of jam onto a whole loaf of bread using it’s hands instead of a kitchen utensil!
Maths: LO: to solve problems and puzzles.
Here’s a game to play with a partner! This is a basic form of the ancient game of Nim.
How do you play?
You’ll need a partner to play with.
You will also need seven objects, such as counters or blocks.
Place the 7 counters in a pile and starting with your partner, take turns to take away either one or two counters.
The person who takes the last counter wins.
Swap who goes first, and keep playing until you work out a winning strategy.
Does it matter who has the first turn?
What happens when there are three counters left?
How can you win at this game?
What happens when you start the game with more counters?