Maple Class home learning for Monday 1st June 2020
Spellings – for words ending in a silent ‘e’ you must first drop the ‘e’ before adding a ‘y’ (like bone=bony, ice=icy). Try these words and put into sentences:
Flake, taste, spike, scare, nose, laze
English – see Mrs Godbold’s Writing Challenge.
Story starter!
Month: June Year: 3015
Dear diary,
It has now been 2 years since we moved here. Leaving Earth was tough, but we are beginning to feel more at home with every single week that passes.
When we came to our new home, we were allowed to bring everything with us from our Earth homes. It still feels a bit strange though. Life without gravity really takes some getting used to!
Can you continue the diary?
What is gravity? Can you include descriptions of what it is like to live without it?
Where is it that you now live? How is it different from your previous life? How do you spend your time? Do you prefer living in your new home?
Maths – this week we will be thinking about measurement. Today can you accurately measure the length of an item? Collect 10 items from around your home and estimate how long they are before measuring them accurately with a ruler or tape measure. Remember to include cm/m after the number.
Theme – for the first two weeks of this half term we will be studying Science. Today is ‘The Heart’- look at “A healthy heart” photo. Draw and label some healthy foods which will help the heart to work properly. For a challenge, look at the questions at the bottom of the photo.

Thank you, Mrs Keeler.