Oak Class Monday 18th May
Welcome to another week of learning at home! I hope you have all had a relaxing weekend in the lovely weather!
Phonics: Today we are learning the sound ure as in the words pure and cure. This is a tricky one this week! But give it a go!
Use the words in a sentence and read the sentence to someone at home.
Literacy: I would love to hear what you have been up to! Can you draw a picture of something you have enjoyed doing and then write about it. It is a bit like doing your news at school!
Japan: This is our round up week for learning about Japan. If you have any suggestions of something we have missed, let me know and we can give it a go! Today I have included a picture of a Koi Carp fish which link closely to Japanese culture. Can you draw your own Koi Carp picture? Do you have any fish as pets in a pond at home or in a tank? Can you try drawing them?
Good luck!
Stay safe everyone
Mrs T