Rowan Class

Rowan Class Home Learning Week beginning 1st June

Home Learning Week beginning 1st June

Welcome Back. Hope everyone had a great half-term.

For the next two weeks, our school topic will be the human body. You will find specific suggestions below for areas that Year 4 and Year 5 might like to focus on but, like the Japan project, feel free to work with brothers & sisters in your family and research other parts of the human body too. Our English will be linked to the topic, so you can read, write and apply your grammar skills to what you find out.

Lots of the class have been in touch with me and I am really impressed with all the different learning you are doing at home. I know some of you prefer to print worksheets, others like practical activities and some of you do lots of online work, so I will try to provide a mixture of all of these for you to choose from. From now on, I will organise the learning into days of the week so that key worker children who are in school on some days don’t repeat activities. For those of you at home everyday, feel free to choose activities from any day of the week to suit you.

Spellings: Tricky Words
Year 4: breath, breathe, exercise, heart, medicine, weight, strength, experiment, complete, fruit.
Year 5: bruise, develop, explanation, individual, muscle, rhythm, stomach, shoulder, temperature, vegetable.
Can you learn these 10 words to use when writing about the human body?
– look, say, cover, write, check
– break them down into syllables, sounds, roots & prefixes
– look for the tricky parts – think of ways of remember them (e.g. for fruit, I say in my head fru – it)
– look for links between words (e.g. breath & breathe)
– practise handwriting and create spelling lists & word searches by logging in to letterjoin and selecting the ‘human body’ word bank.

Arithmetic: Multiplying & Dividing decimals by 10, 100 & 1000

You should be able to use your knowledge of place value and moving the digits to answer these really quickly. Try playing a game of ‘beat the calculator’. Can you call out the answers quicker than a family member can type them into a calculator?
BRONZE CHALLENGE: 47×10= 0.5×10= 100×7= 300÷10= 27÷10= 350÷10=
SILVER CHALLENGE: 340×100= 4.7×100= 276÷100= 45÷10= 100×34.2= 0.03×100=
GOLD CHALLENGE: 0.3÷100= 3.45×1000= 30×400= 27.3÷1000= 2.305×100=

The Human Body

Research suggestions for the whole school:
– Monday: The heart
– Tuesday: The digestive system
– Wednesday: A balanced diet
– Thursday: Our teeth
– Friday: Our skeleton

Scroll down for links to downloadable activities and information sheets to read. This English activities for this week are also linked to researching the human body.

Suggested Year 4 Focus: Food, teeth & our digestive system

  • Work through the online activities here to learn about your digestive system. Then go on Purple Mash and use what you have learn to complete the to dos.
  • Get someone in your family to lie down and draw around their body (you could use a big piece of paper, stick lots of small pieces together or try using chalk outside). Can you draw the journey that food takes through your body, labelling the different organs involved and what each one does?
  • Can you use items at home to make a collage of the digestive system? See the pictures below for some ideas.
  • Use a mirror to look inside your mouth. Can you see that some of your teeth are different shapes? Try drawing them. What do you think each type of tooth is for? You could also research different animal teeth on the internet: why do you think they are different shapes? What type of food is suited to?
  • Create a poster to teach younger children how to look after their teeth. Think about: cleaning teeth, visiting the dentist and what you eat & drink.
  • What does it mean to have a balanced diet? Can you create a menu that includes all the food groups (fruit & vegetables, protein, carbohydrates, diary, oils & fats)? You can explore an interactive version of the eatwell plate here.

Suggested Year 5 Focus: the heart, blood & circulatory system

  • Learn about the heart & circulatory system here. Then use what you have learnt to try the Purple Mash To Dos or go here for an interactive activity labelling the parts of the heart.
  • Can you feel your pulse? Carry out an experiment to find out how different things affect your heart rate. Can you link what you find out to what you learn about the job our heart does?
  • What is the difference between veins and arteries? What does the heart do? What role do the lungs play in our circulation?
  • Get someone in your family to lie down and draw around their body (you could use a big piece of paper, stick lots of small pieces together or try using chalk outside). Can you draw the key parts of the circulatory system on the body? Can you show the journey that blood takes around your body?
  • Can you use materials at home to make a model heart? See the pictures below for ideas.
  • Research what is inside your blood. What do the different types of blood cells do?
  • Produce a poster of ‘fascinating facts about the heart’. You could even find out about hearts in other animals. Which animal has the slowest heart beat? What about the fastest? Is there an animal with more than one heart?

Maths: Measurement

Children should be able to estimate and measure using standard metric units for length (metres, centimetres, millimetres & kilometres), weight/mass (grams, kilograms) and capacity (litres, millilitres). They should be able to convert between the units using their knowledge of multiplying & dividing by 10, 100 and 1000. Year 5 children begin to use simple equivalences between imperial & metric measures.

Monday: Estimating Activities

  • Find some of your toys & estimate the length, width, height & weight of them. Can you estimate their length in both centimetres and millimetres? Can you order them from heaviest to lightest just by estimation?
  • Look at a range of different containers. Can you find one that you think will hold: more than a litre? Less than a litre? Approximately half a litre? How many millilitres do you think each holds? Fill them with water and find a measuring jug to check how good your estimating is.

Tuesday: Converting between units

  • Earlier in the year we made some memory cards to learn the relationship between different units of measure. Can you still get them all right? Can you play a pairs game with them?
  • Use your Maths knowledge organiser from last term and get someone to test you on converting between different metric units.
  • Make a chart with headings: millimetres, centimetres & metres. Measure some different objects around your home and record them in different ways.
  • Can you convert these mixed units, into both grams and decimal kilograms: a) 3 kg 400g b) 4kg 20g c) 12 kg d) 2 and quarter kilograms

Wednesday: Reading Measuring Scales

  • Help with baking or cooking at home by measuring out ingredients.
  • Hold a mini-olympics in the garden and measure each activity, e.g. how far can you throw a ball, what is the heaviest object you can pick up, how far high you jump, how far can you run in 30seconds?
  • Practise reading measuring scales here or find more measurement games here.

Thursday: Solving Problems

  • You can find printable word problems suitable for each year group below.
  • Shopping bag challenge: Your shopping bag can hold 10kg. Look at the packets of different food items to find their weight (or weigh them yourselves). Can you find a combination of items that will be as close as possible to 10kg?
  • Look at some recipes and work out how much of each ingredient you would need if you were making it for a different number of people. For example, a recipe for four would need doubling if you were only cooking for two people. Here is a super challenge: If a recipe feeds four people, how do I convert it to cook for three people?

Friday: Writing Word Problems

  • Can you write your own problems that involve using measures? Ideally they should be multi-step (you have to do more than one calculation to get to the answer) and should involve converting between different units (e.g. give some of the information in grams but some in kilograms). Show the steps needed to solve your problems.

English Suggestions

Monday: Reading
– Download the reading comprehension below, or do some research on the human body and explain what you have learnt from what you read.

Tuesday: Note-taking
– Make brief notes from your research into the human body.
– Remember notes don’t have to be full sentences, but should simply record the main points in a way that you can remember them.
– Lists, diagrams, mind-maps can form part of your notes.
– DO NOT just copy what you have read. You should think about what you have read, pick out the most interesting or important points and record them in your own words.

Wednesday: Grammar – Modal Verbs
– An online lesson on modal verbs can be found here.
– Modal verbs go in front of a verb to show how likely it is, e.g. I will understand this. I might understand this. I don’t understand this. Other modal verbs include: can, should, would, could, must, may.
– Look for examples of modal verbs when reading: how would it change the meaning of a sentence if you changed the modal verb to a different one?
– Experiment with putting different modal verbs in this sentence: You ______ eat a balanced diet. Which is the most powerful? Which is the least?
– Write some of your own sentences about the human body, using different modal verbs.

Thursday: Writing Challenge
– Draft a persuasive leaflet to encourage younger children to look after their body. It could be about exercise, looking after your teeth or healthy eating.
– Try to use some features of persuasive writing: exaggeration, rhetorical questions, information to explain why it is important, word play, modal verbs & adverbs. You may also use organisational features: headings & sub-headings, lists, fact boxes, diagrams & captions.

Friday: Writing Challenge
– Complete your leaflet from yesterday if you need to.
– Can you edit and improve it?
– See the Rowan Class webpage for Year 4 and Year 4 Writing mats that will remind you of the punctuation, words and grammar you should be using.
– Can you publish your leaflet using your best handwriting, colour and pictures?


Year 4 Reading: The Digestive System

Year 5 Reading: The Circulatory System

Teeth Model

Heart Model

Maths Year 4

Maths Year 5

More printable activities can be found by logging in to Purple Mash: Science – The Human Body – Printable Resources.

Useful Links

Purple Mash

Science Videos: The Human Body

BBC Science: My Amazing Body