
Skylarks suggested learning Friday 15th May

Hello! Don’t forget we are having our author talk with S.F. Said at 1:30pm today. Miss Stanley will ask him your questions and upload the video to the school Facebook page once she has finished talking to him. Make sure you keep an eye out to watch the video! 

Learning for today: Maths – Multiplying and dividing by 10 and 100 

English – Please finish off your story writing from yesterday. Once you have done that, edit your story using the slides to help you. There is an extension editing task for anyone who’d like to try it. 

Afternoon – It is our last day or art week for our Japan project and the last day of the project itself! Next week will be a round up research week for anything else you’d like to learn about Japan. After half term we will have an exciting new topic 🙂