Cedar Class

Cedar class learning for 23 JUN 2020

English: LO: to create headlines.

Hopefully yesterday you identified that newspaper articles have headlines. These are normally short and punchy sentences which tell the reader what the article is going to be about. Their main purpose is to draw the reader in and make you want to buy and read that newspaper. Below are some headlines. Rate them in order of how effective you think they are.

Boy slowly eats entire restaurant’s supply of butter.

Flash flood ruins wedding!

Chaos as robot dog goes on the run.


Boom! Building collapses due to loud music.

Eggcitement at Easter event.

Once you have done this, practise creating some headlines of your own for things that you are doing throughout the day. Make sure they are short and interesting!

Maths: LO: to collect data.

Yesterday you created a definition poster on what data handling means. Today I would like you to gather some data of your own. Below are a few suggestions of some data sets you could collect, but feel free to come up with your own data set!

1) How many of each colour plant there are in your garden.

2) How many tinned, dry (pasta), and fresh foods there are in your cupboards.

3) How many of each genre of DVD there are in your house (cartoons, thrillers, etc.).

4) What the favourite colours are of people in your home.

5) What eye colours there are in your family.

6) How many different car colours pass your home over 10 minutes.

An efficient method of collecting your data is by using a tally chart. Tomorrow we will process your data and find a way to present it.