Elm Class Learning Friday 19th June 2020
Sharing assembly day! I would love to see the fantastic work you have been up to this week! You can share photos on this post or send some examples to me!
Spellings: Can you get someone to test you on the cious words we have be learning this week? How did you do? Are there some you may need a little more practice on?
Arithmetic: I have uploaded the next arithmetic test for you to have a go at and the answers, so you can check your answers. The best thing you can take from these is to have a look at the areas you struggled with, note these down and these are the areas to focus your practice on for next time.
Grammar: I have taken some questions from a previous grammar SATs paper on the skills we have been practicing this week. Can you have a go at these?

English: L.O. To read up to page 32 (on the PDF but in the book make sure you read up to the beginning of chapter 16).
There is quite a bit of reading today so you only need to read.
Remember, if you come across a word you do not understand, read it slowly, then consider the context of the sentence. If you are still unsure ask someone what it means or get a dictionary!
You may want to practise reading aloud to someone to ensure that you are fluent and have the correct expression.
Maths: Today is our last day on fractions! Could you have a go at some of the real life word problems using fractions perhaps? Could you try a new activity that you haven’t done yet this week?
Today is our last day on the climate and Geography of Mexico! Can you find out something different today?
Suggested activities for the week:
• Locate Mexico on a map and describe its location. What continent is it in? Which other countries are near it? Is it in the northern or southern hemisphere?
• Research the weather in Mexico. Is it similar to the weather in the U.K.? Why might this be the case? Could you create a temperature/rainfall graph to show the temperature/rainfall throughout the year?
• Are the seasons the same in Mexico? Why/why not?
• Research the plantlife in Mexico. Are there any species of plant native to Mexico? Could you draw or paint these?
• Research the wildlife of Mexico. Present this information in a fun way- perhaps in a poster.
• What is the landscape of Mexico like? Are there any famous mountains or rivers? Is it similar of different to the U.K.?
• Have there been any big natural disasters in Mexico? Why have these happened? You could write a newspaper report of one of these or a diary entry from someone who was there.
• Research famous landmarks in Mexico.
• Research the capital city of Mexico and compare it to other capital cities.
Have a lovely weekend,
Miss Coates.