Friday 12th June, Elm Class learning
Friday has come round again, which means it’s sharing assembly day! I would love to see some examples of your wonderful work! You can post it here or send it to me.
Spellings: Can someone test you on ten words that you have practiced over the week, ending in tion, sion, ssion and cian?
Arithmetic: I have attached to the class webpage the next arithmetic test and answers. Can you have a go at this? You do not need to print this, you could just copy the questions down and have a go! Could you challenge yourself to trying to improve on last week’s score?
Grammar: Look at the picture below of the forest explorers. Put yourself in their shoes, using the subordinate conjunctions, which I have attached to the post, can you write some sentences, including a main clause and subordinate clause as if you were an explorer?
For example: As I ventured further into the rainforest, the intense sound of the wildlife grew louder.
English: L.O. To consider Stanley’s character (P4C).
Do you believe Stanley’s story about how he got the shoes? Do you think it is still stealing?
What is stealing?
Have a discussion about these questions and see if you agree/disagree with each other. Remember the rules for P4C and be respectful of each other points of view.
Maths: Today’s Investigation is called Discs! Have a look at the investigation attached below, can you challenge yourself? Can you find all the different possibilities?

Topic: Today is the last day of our topic on the human body. Today is a bit like a research round up day! What else might you like to find out about the human body? Can you find out some amazing facts? You can present your findings in a creative way that you like! I look forward to seeing what you have found out!
Stay safe,
Miss Coates.