Friday 26th June 2020 Elm Class learning
Welcome to Friday! Sharing Assembly day! I would love to see all of the fabulous you have been doing!
Spellings: Can you get someone to test you on 10 of the cious and tious words we have been practicing the last two weeks? Are there any you still need to practice? Can you note these down to continue to practice them?
Arithmetic: Can you have a go at the next arithmetic test? I have uploaded the test and the answers, so you can check back your working out.
Grammar: I have attached some test style activities on relative clauses to this post. Using the knowledge you have built up over the week, can you have a go at the activities?

English: L.O. To use evidence to predict events in the book.
Do you think the warden is looking for something in particular?
What would be the best thing for Stanley to find in a hole? Why?
Imagine Stanley has found something valuable in the hole. Write the next part of the book which shows what he decides to do with it. Think carefully about Stanley’s character. This could just be a few paragraphs which leaves a cliff-hanger or you could write the next (mini) chapter.
Maths: L.O- I can draw a line graph.
Today I would like you to have a go at constructing your own line graph. A line graph is used to show a continuous set of data, which changes over a period of time. Can you construct your own line graph today? You could show the changes in temperature over the week you have collected using a line graph or the change in rainfall over each day.
When constructing a line graph, you need to think first about the units that will go along your y axis, which scale with you use- will it go up in 1’s, 5’s 10’s? Look carefully at your data and decide which scale is most appropriate. Again, remember to label your axis and give your graph a title. To plot a line graph, mark each measurement with a cross and join the crosses up with a straight line.
Topic: It is our final day on the festivals in Mexico, I would love to see your amazing work and what you have found out!
· Research different Mexican festivals! Find out where they happen and why.
· Find a festival which interests you (some are listed below) and study the history of it. Is there a traditional story behind the celebration? Is it similar to any festivals we have in the UK?
· Consider the religions of Mexico. What are the main religions? Do they celebrate the same things that we do?
· Lots of festivals have traditional songs. Can you find any and have a listen? Do you enjoy them? How is the music made? Does it sounds like music we have at our festivals in the UK? Why/why not?
· You could look up some of the foods associated with the festivals and try to recreate them.
· Festivals you could consider:
o Day of the Dead
o Carnaval
o Cinco de Mayo
o Independence day
o Las Posadas.
Well done for all of your fabulous hard work!
Miss Coates.