Friday 5th June 2020, Elm Class learning
Good morning Elm Class, its sharing assembly day! I would love to see some of the things you have been working hard on this week!
Spellings: Can someone test you on the spellings we have been looking at this week, using the prefix inter, super and anti?
Arithmetic: Today I have created my own test based on using the rounding skills we have been practicing this week, as well as adding in the skills you have already practised over the last few weeks! Can you challenge yourself? Answers will also be below for you to check back your working out.
Grammar: Can you have a look at the test style activity below? Can you add a semi-colon into the correct place of each sentence?

English: L.O. To analyse the opening of Holes. Today we are going to look carefully at the opening of holes and the first few chapters you have read.
Using the text from yesterday, answer the following questions:
Characters- What characters are introduced? What do you learn about the characters? Who or what is the Warden?
The writer’s technique- How does the writer attract your attention and make you want to read on? Look at the length of some of the sentences and paragraphs- what effect do they have?
Setting- What is Camp Green Lake like?
What is Camp Green Lake? Where is Camp Green Lake?
Plot- What has happened so far? What do you think will happen next?
Extension: Would you like to go to Camp Green Lake? Why/ Why not?
You can write out and answer these questions in your home learning notebook or I have uploaded a sheet, with a template, including these questions to fill in.
Maths: Today is our last day on measurement! Can you choose a different activity today? Maybe you could challenge yourself to some of the imperial measurement word problems and see how imperial measurements are used in real life situations.
Topic: Today we are focussing on the skeleton! What can you find out? Can you have a go at one or two of the suggested activities below?
• Estimate how many bones we have in our bodies. Now research the real number! Are you surprised? Can you label the main bones of the body?
• What is the purpose of the skeleton? What would we be like if we didn’t have one?
• Research the structure of bones. Are they just made of bone?
• Research the structure of joints. How does our skeleton move?
• How can we keep our bones healthy? Produce a leaflet/ poster to help others with this.
• Compare our skeletons to the skeletons of other animals. Are they similar/ different? Why?
I look forward to seeing some of the wonderful work you have done and your creativity!
Have a great weekend,
Miss Coates.