Maple Class home learning for Friday 12th June 2020
Spelling – can you recall all the spelling rules we’ve looked at this week? Pick some of the words and practise spelling them out loud, or writing them down. Can you ask a grown up to test you on some of the words? How many can you remember?
English – visit the letter join app and practise some of the letters or joins you find tricky. See the class webpage for log in details.
Maths – today explore the “Square corners” activity. See photo below.

Theme/Science – “Amazing things about the body”. Have your own ‘No Plan Day’ all about your amazing body! What do you want to find out about your body? Complete your own research, online or from a book, and decide how to record the information you learn. Could you make a poster or a leaflet, call/video call someone and tell them, make a short film or a mini book? I can’t wait to see what you discover!
Thank you, Mrs Keeler