Maple Class home learning for Friday 19th June 2020
Spellings – can you recall all the spelling rules we’ve looked at this week? Pick some of the words and practise spelling them out loud, or writing them down. Can you ask a grown up to test you on some of the words? How many can you remember?
English – perform your poem for an audience today. Read it aloud and add actions if that helps. Could you ask someone to film it and post on our sharing assembly post, or email it to me. I’d love to see them.
Maths – using all your fraction knowledge, try these fraction questions and word problems today! Which fractions are you confident with, and which do you need a little more practise?
Theme – this week we will be thinking about the climate and geography of Mexico. Below is a list of suggestions, pick an activity you are interested in.
– where in the world is Mexico? Find out which continent it is in.
– What is the capital city of Mexico?
– What does Mexico look like? Can you draw the shape of the country and label the capital city?
– Which oceans are near Mexico? Can you label them on your map?
– What does the flag of Mexico look like? Can you make your own Mexican flag? You could use pencils, paint, collage materials, chalks.
– What would you like to learn/find out about Mexico? Write some questions to explore and answer over this half term.
– What is the weather like in Mexico today? Can you research on the internet to find out? Is it warmer or cooler than England? How would you describe the weather in Mexico? How does it compare to the weather at home? What is the temperature in Mexico? Is the temperature in England higher or lower?
– What is the population of Mexico? How many people live there? (How many people live in England?)
– Can you name some rivers in Mexico?
Thank you, Mrs Keeler.