Maple Class home learning for Friday 5th June 2020
Spellings – can you recall all the spelling rules we’ve looked at this week? Pick some of the words and practise spelling them out loud, or writing them down. Can you ask a grown up to test you on some of the words? How many can you remember?
English – Can you write a few sentences for a new blurb for your favourite book? What would you say? How would you encourage someone to want to read your favourite book just from reading a few sentences on the back?
Maths – today can you explore measuring volume and the capacity of liquids. At home you could explore accurately measuring different liquids into a measuring jug. What does 100ml look like? Can you measure 350ml of water? You could have a look at recording the amounts on the “Measuring Volume” sheet too, how much is in each jug?
Theme – ‘The skeleton’ – Visit Purple Mash – Science – Topics – The Human Body – 2diy&2quiz – Skeleton quiz. Try the quiz and learn some new facts you might not know about your skeleton.
Thank you, please post something you’re really proud of on the Facebook sharing assembly post. Mrs Keeler.