Maple Class home learning for Thursday 11th June 2020.
Spelling – prefixes can be added to roots to form new words. Roots often have meanings from other languages (like pre+dict = predict, de+ tach = detach). Try these words and put into sentences:
Di + vide, pro + creed, auto + matic, ex + ceed
English – can you copy a piece of text in your best handwriting? It could be a poem, or a page from your reading book. Make sure to join the letters carefully. Keep the tall letters tall and the long letters long!
Maths – today, explore the Nim-7 for Two game.
How do you play?
You’ll need an adult to play with.
You will also need seven objects, such as counters or blocks.
Place the 7 counters in a pile and starting with the adult, take turns to take away either one or two counters.
The person who takes the last counter wins.
Swap who goes first, and keep playing until you work out a winning strategy.
Does it matter who has the first turn?
What happens when there are three counters left?
How can you win at this game?
What happens when you start the game with more counters?
Theme/Science – “Our life cycle”. Think about how you have changed since you were a baby and a toddler. Ask someone at home about what you were like when you were younger. How will you change as you grow into a teenager and then an adult? Complete the diagram for “The Human Lifecycle”, with pictures and labels.

Thank you, Mrs Keeler