Oak Class Wednesday 24th June
Phonics: Use the letters g and l to make the blend gl. Use the blend to help make the words glad, glee and gloom. Do you know what these words mean? Say the words, sound them out, write the words down and read them to someone in your house. Now use the words in a sentence. Write your sentence down. There are extra house points for those who can use more than 1 word in a sentence!
Maths: Use the website: https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/5-7-years/data-handling. Find the game Fruit Fall to continue with our data handling week!
Literacy: Use the bitesize website to find out more about poems and writing a poem. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zjhhvcw/articles/z83g2nb
What could you write a poem about? Have a go at writing your own poem.
Topic: Mexico. Can you have a go at making your own sugar skulls using sugar and egg whites. There are lots of different recipes to try. They are really good for decorating, but not so good for eating!
Have a good day. Mrs T