
Skylarks suggested learning Tuesday 23rd June

Hi, here is your learning. 

Maths – Can you record data for length, height and weight. You might need to convert m to cm. Then create two graphs to show the length and height of the animals. The weight graph has been done for you as an example. Think carefully about the intervals and the numbers you want them to go up in. The full sheet of animals is attached here to download. 

English – The girl from the Promise would like your advice. Should she keep her promise and plant all the acorns? Or should she pretend she never saw the acorns and throw them away? What do you think? Write a letter responding to her note and telling her what you think she should do. 

Afternoon – Choose an activity to learn about Mexican festivals. You can choose from this list or some from another class. I would love to see what you discover!