Thursday 4th June 2020, Elm Class learning
Spellings: Can you practice some of the words you collected, starting with the prefixes inter. super, anti and auto using one of the activities from the spelling menu on the class webpage or fun way of your choice!
Arithmetic: This week, we will be looking at rounding. Remember with rounding, you look at the column to the right of the one you are rounding. If this is 5 or greater, you round the number up, if this is 0-4, the number will remain the same. If you need some extra help with this, the video attached will explain more.
Can you have a go at rounding these numbers?
1) 123,663 to the nearest
Grammar: Think about the character in your reading book. Can you have a go at describing that character, using sentences, which include a semi- colon? It could be about what they do in the book or describing the character’s appearance and personality. Remember, a semi- colon should join two related main clauses, which could be standalone sentences themselves. For example: Sentences describing Lucy from the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.
Lucy was always curious in her nature; she pushed through the coats in the wardrobe, stunned to feel a cold gust of wind on her face.
Lucy was astounded at what she saw; she couldn’t help herself but venture further into the snowy forest.
English: Today we are going to start reading the beginning of our new book Holes, by Louis Sachar! I would like you to read chapter 1 and a bit of chapter 2, up to the line ‘Stanley was a poor family. He had never been to camp before.’ Following this, can you have a go at drawing a picture of Camp Green Lake and add some descriptive words for the setting?
Maths: Can you choose another activity today from the list of activities attached on measurement? Maybe you could challenge yourself to converting between metric and imperial units today! Use the knowledge organiser on measurement, on the class webpage to help with your conversions.
Topic: Our human body topic today is teeth! Can you have a go at one of the suggested activities below?
• What types of teeth do we have? Why do we have these types?
• How do types of teeth differ between different animals? You could draw the different skulls of animals to demonstrate this.
• How can we protect our teeth and keep them healthy? Produce a leaflet/poser to encourage good dental hygiene.
• Investigate the ingredients in toothpaste. Why are these ingredients used? Can you use any natural ingredients to do a similar thing? Can you design a ‘natural’ toothpaste which only contains natural ingredients?
A good link for finding out about the different types of teeth is below:
I have also uploaded a diagram of our teeth to label, to the class webpage, which may help with your research and the presentation of your work!
I look forward to seeing some of the wonderful work you have done and your creativity!
Take care and stay safe,
Miss Coates.