Wednesday 17th 2020 Elm Class learning
Spellings: Today we are going back to practicing words with the suffix ending ‘cious’. With these words, usually if the root word ends in –ce, the sound is usually spelt as cious rather than ious – e.g, grace – gracious, space, spacious.
Can you practice these spellings in your neatest handwriting?
Here are some example words to practice: vicious, precious, conscious, delicious, malicious, suspicious, spacious, ferocious, atrocious
Arithmetic: This week, we are going to recap multiplying fractions. Remember, when you multiply a fraction by a whole number, you multiply the numerator (or top of the fraction) and when you multiply two fractions together, you multiply both the numerators together and both the denominators. If you want to challenge yourself further, you can have a go at simplifying the fraction after the calculation.
See if you can attempt these below:
3/7 x 9=
4/5 x 8=
2/7 x 4=
2/6 x 9=
2/5 x 6/7=
5/6 x 7/8=
2/3 x 9/10=
Grammar: Today we are going to be looking at co-ordinating conjunctions. Before we were looking at subordinate conjunctions, which join a main clause to a subordinate clause, whereas we are now going to be using coordinating conjunctions which join two main clauses together. Remember: Main clauses could be standalone sentences themselves and subordinate clause add more information to the sentence, but do not make sense alone. The coordinating conjunctions can be remembered using the saying FANBOYS- for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so. Can you have a go at the activity below, using the coordinating conjunctions? Could you then have a go at making up some of your own sentences including co-ordinating conjunctions?

English: L.O. To write a letter with a particular perspective. Today we are going to have a go at letter writing! Can you read up to page 22- (beginning of chapter 10). Stanley has begun a letter to his mother. He pretends to be enjoying his time at Camp Green Lake.
However, he stops writing as he is interrupted. Your task is to complete his letter.
Can you have a go at including the following in the letter?
• Use the correct structure
• Write in the voice of Stanley
• Include information about Stanley’s friends
• Include information about the activities at the camp
Remember to pretend that you are enjoying camp!
Maths: Can you choose something else from the list to have a go at? Could you maybe use lego to make some fractions? What fraction is blue or red? Could you write some equivalent fractions to this? Could you create a fraction numberline and add on some equivalent fractions? Could you have a go at adding and subtracting fractions using the activity sheet on the class webpage? I look forward to seeing all of your wonderful Maths!
Topic: For the next four weeks, you will be studying Mexico!
Everyone in the school is doing the same project so that if you have younger siblings, then you can all do similar activities and teach each other things.
I have suggested some activities below which are suitable for a Year 5/6 class but can also be done by younger children with some help.
Choose the activities you would most like to do and present them creatively! You can present your work however you like, for example, in the form of artwork, a scrapbook, a PowerPoint.
Our weekly focus for this week is Climate and Geography.
Suggested activities for the week:
• Locate Mexico on a map and describe its location. What continent is it in? Which other countries are near it? Is it in the northern or southern hemisphere?
• Research the weather in Mexico. Is it similar to the weather in the U.K.? Why might this be the case? Could you create a temperature/rainfall graph to show the temperature/rainfall throughout the year?
• Are the seasons the same in Mexico? Why/why not?
• Research the plantlife in Mexico. Are there any species of plant native to Mexico? Could you draw or paint these?
• Research the wildlife of Mexico. Present this information in a fun way- perhaps in a poster.
• What is the landscape of Mexico like? Are there any famous mountains or rivers? Is it similar of different to the U.K.?
• Have there been any big natural disasters in Mexico? Why have these happened? You could write a newspaper report of one of these or a diary entry from someone who was there.
• Research famous landmarks in Mexico.
• Research the capital city of Mexico and compare it to other capital cities.
Thank you for your continued support,
Miss Coates.
Miss Coates.