Wednesday 3rd June 2020, Elm Class learning
Spellings: Can you practice some of the words you collected, starting with the prefixes inter. super, anti and auto in your neatest handwriting today? Choose 5 words to practice and write a line of each in your neatest handwriting!
Arithmetic: This week, we will be looking at rounding. Remember with rounding, you look at the column to the right of the one you are rounding. If this is 5 or greater, you round the number up, if this is 0-4, the number will remain the same. If you need some extra help with this, the video attached will explain more.
Can you have a go at rounding these numbers?
1) 225,674 to the nearest 10
2) 321,773 to the nearest 1000
3) 312,887 to the nearest 100,000
4) 45.667 to the nearest tenth
5) 22.553 to the nearest whole number.
Grammar: We have been practicing using semi- colons this week, before writing your own sentences tomorrow, can you have a go at re-writing these sentences by replacing the conjunctions in these with a semi-colon?
1. I am starving so I can’t wait until dinner.
2. Sam was desperately tired and he wanted to go home to bed.
3. It was pouring outside so I needed to bring my umbrella to school today.
4. Fiona went to meet her friend at the airport because she hadn’t seen her for ages.
5. My team are at the top of the league so I expect we will win our match today.
English: Today is an opportunity to finish you big write from Monday. Could you read your story aloud and get some feedback from someone else at home? See if there is anything you would now change after getting some feedback from someone else.
Maths: Can you choose another activity today from the list of activities attached on measurement? Could practice your skills of converting metric units of measure today, for example: how many cm in 6m? Have a look at the activities on the list, what will you challenge yourself to today?
Topic: Can you choose a different area to research today about the digestive system or a balanced diet?
Suggested ideas (You are more than welcome to research and present your ideas and findings in your own way!)
• Research the purpose and structure of the digestive system.
• Design a balanced diet for a child and an adult. You could even consider what a balanced diet would be for different types of people- would a runner need a different diet to a writer?
• How can we help our digestive system and keep it healthy?
• Draw the digestive system and label it scientifically.
• Look at how diets have changed through time. Why do you think this is?
• How are foods grouped and why are they grouped in this way? Research this and make a poster about them.
Take care and stay safe,
Miss Coates.