Tuesday 14th July 2020 Elm Class learning
Spellings: This week, I would like you to revisit spellings with the spelling string ‘ough’. These spellings can be very tricky and there isn’t a specific rule for spelling these words! Can you practice the words you found yesterday using the look, write, cover, check method?
Arithmetic: This week, I would like you to practice your long multiplication skills. Remember, when you are multiplying by a 10, you should always start with a zero in your column as a place value holder. Can you have a go at the questions below?
465 x 67=
876 x 32=
2265 x 54 =
Grammar: Now you have had some practice of using apostrophes, can you have a go at the activity linked to this post? Can you find the correct sentences? Can you explain why the others are not correct? How has the apostrophe been used incorrectly or not at all?

English: Have a look at the suggested transition activities below. These are a great way to reflect on the year and think about the new class you are going into. Which activity will you try today? If you would like to finish reading Holes, I will keep the PDF on the class webpage for you to finish the book and find out what happens!
Maths: Today we are looking at converting units of time. Can you have a go at the activity below? I have included a table of key conversions of time to help you!
Topic: Round up research!
Over the next two days, I would like you to think about all of the amazing things you have learnt about Mexico! What have you enjoyed finding out about most? What would you like to find out more about? You may have found the Geography of Mexico particularly interesting for example, and may like to focus your research more specifically on a town or city of Mexico, or look more into the landmarks of Mexico! You may like to find out more about the tourist attractions and the holiday destinations of Mexico!
Your task is to present your round up research in an eye-catching way of your choice. This could be:
– A tourist leaflet
– A power point presentation
– A lapbook – a bit like a leaflet, but with different pockets of information and pictures, to open and explore!
– A mini brochure
– A poster
– Your own quiz questions and answers on Mexico!
– Pretend you are hosting a tv programme on Mexico, can you write the script of what you might say?
You can send these to me on Tuesday or Wednesday, I would love to see the finished outcome!
Well done for all of your continued hard work!
Miss Coates.