What do people do all day?
This half term, we’re going to be learning about the different jobs people do and the work they do all day. We’ll be exploring the jobs our families do and the importance of the work they do, realising that we need people to do these jobs for us so we can stay safe and happy.
In our English lessons, we’re going to reading a book written by Julia Donaldson, named ‘The Snail and the Whale’. We’ll be linking this to our key question, thinking about the challenges the snail and the whale come across and how people with different jobs helped them.
In our writing lessons, we’ll be learning how to write diaries and recounts, exploring what these are and what we need to include when writing them.
This half term, we’ll be learning about Edith Cavell in our History lessons, thinking about her job and how she shaped the world we live in today.
During our PATHS and PSHE lessons, we’re going to taking a closer look at self esteem and exploring the feelings of others as well as our own feelings. We’ll be thinking about diseases and how they are spread and how we need to be responsible for our own safety and the safety of others. We’ll be thinking about different types of friendships and thinking about secrets and surprises.
In Science, we’re going to be learning about animals and animal families as well as the human body and senses. We’ll be thinking about how the human senses change over time as well as how the human body changes too (linking this to growth from a child to an adult).
In Art, we’re going to learning about weaving and collage skills to help produce pieces of artwork. We’ll be looking at artists who use these skills to produce their artwork and having a go at producing our own, these include Megan Coyle and Anni Albers.
In Music, we’ll be listening to different types of music and using our singing voices to join in with the lyrics we hear.
In French we’ll be learning how to talk about our daily routines in French and comparing these to the English translation.
In computing, we’ll be starting to explore coding and how these are closely linked to giving clear instructions.
In R.E, our new enquiry question is: How does a celebration bring a community together?
We’ll use this enquiry question to help us explore the beliefs of other religions and the types of celebrations they take part in.
Here are the knowledge organisers you’ll need for this half term: