

At Churchside federation we aim to broaden children’s understanding of the world around them and discover how it has been shaped by past events. We start by introducing concepts of now and then in our own lives and that of our family in the early years linking to stories of seasonality and the passing of time. We broaden this to an understanding and appreciation of local and national history and key individuals in KS1 and expand to world history and ancient civilisations in KS2. We connect these through our golden threads of society and culture, invasion and achievement and legacy. In history lessons we use a range of skills including chronology, expanding our range and depth of historical knowledge and interpretation of sources. We bring these skills together in exciting historical inquiries where we aim to bring in childrens’ interests and provide hands-on experiences such as trips and handling artefacts. 

History makes a contribution to SMSC by:-

  • Looking at the establishment of multi-cultural Britain.
  • Showing an awareness of the moral implications of the actions of historical figures.


Grimes Graves Local History Trip 11.6.2024

Stone-Age day at Gressenhall

Skylarks went to Gressenhall as part of their Stone Age learning. We handled artefacts, learnt how to flint knap, build shelters and even prepare land for farming and grinding wheat.

Amazing History Work