Maple Class learning for Friday 20th March 2020
Phonics – revise all the different ways of making the ‘o’ sound – oa, oe, o-e, ow. List as many words as you can.
Spellings – when the letter before a ‘y’ is a consonant, change the ‘y’ to an ‘i’ and add ‘es’ (like city = cities, berry = berries) and then use the words correctly in a sentence.
Maths – explore the game “fraction wall” on Purple Mash (found in Maths, then games section).
English – continue your own version of “Wild” from yesterday. Can you read it through and add improvements in a coloured pen? Have you remembered all the capital letters and full stops? Could you add some interesting adjectives?
PE – gymnastics, how many different ways can you travel across the room? Can you travel forwards, backwards, sideways? Can you move at high/low levels? Can you move like an animal? Can someone else guess that animal?
Sharing Assembly – collect together all the people in your house and share what you have done this week to make you feel proud!
Additional – read school book, play a board game, listen to your favourite music.
Thank you, Mrs Keeler