Maple Class

Maple Class Learning for Friday 3rd April 2020

Phonics – write a sentence for each of the following tricky words – “said”, “because” and “some”. 

Maths – go on a shape hunt around the house. What other 2d shapes can you find? Can you draw and label some in your book? How would you describe the 2d shapes to an alien? How many sides and corners do they have? Are they straight or curved? 

English – read your school book or a book from home. Can you find any question marks inside? Go on a ? hunt, how many can you find in total? 

RE – is your Lent calendar up to date? Colour the squares on the pathway to make sure it is. How many more days until Easter? 

Additional – read school book, practise 5x tables on Pixl Times Table App, join Joe Wicks for PE at 9am – don’t forgot it’s Fancy dress Friday with Joe! What are you going to wear?

Well done for completing another week of home learning. Thank you for your engagement and positivity. Have a well deserved Spring break, stay safe and happy. Mrs Keeler 😊