Cedar Class

Cedar Class Learning for 24 APR 2020

Spelling: Can you remember the spelling rule you have been learning this week? Get someone at home to test your memory of it, and then get them to pick out 10 words from your word list and see if you can spell them correctly!

Arithmetic: This week we recapped on the 6 times table. Get someone at home to test you on the 6 times table. Can you say it backwards starting from 12 X 6?

English: LO: to use specific words.

This weeks Japan project focus has been on the climate and geography of Japan. One of your tasks was to consider what the weather was like in Japan, and how it was different to the weather in the United Kingdom. Whilst doing this, you should have used some specific words which are about weather. Make a list of all the words you have used about weather? If you haven’t done this task yet then you can use this session to prepare the words you will use! What similarities are there between the weather words you have used? Can you challenge yourself and think of any other weather related words which you could maybe use in your project? For example: you might have spoken about how much rain Japan has. We know that rain is associated with certain cloud types, can you find out the names of the clouds which normally mean that we will have rain? Can you use the scientific names (precipitation for example). You could combine all of your weather related knowledge into a knowledge organiser!

Maths: LO: to make and play a time game.

Today I would like you to create a game all about time. I recommend a game of pairs, because you can play it on your own, but if you have a better idea then I would love to see that!

To create a time-related pairs game:

1) Cut out an even number of squares or rectangles from paper or cardboard to make your playing cards (for this example I will use 10 cards).

2) Split the cards so that you have 2 equal piles (2 piles of 5 cards).

3) One of the piles will have 24 hour clock times written on them, the other will have 12 hour clock times. Write a time on one card from the 12 hour pile, and then write the same time using the 24 hour clock on a card from the other pile. (07:00 PM [Pile 1] , 19:00 [Pile 2]).

4) Label all of your cards with different times.

5) Shuffle your cards, then spread them out face down in front of you.

6) Turn over 1 card and read the time, then pick up another card and read the time on it. If they are the same time you can leave them face up. If they aren’t the same time, turn them back over and pick another 2 cards. You need to remember where the cards were that you have already turned over so that you can pair them off. How many moves can you win the game in?

If you are going to play with another person, you need an odd number of pairs – for example 13 pairs (26 cards in total), otherwise you could draw and there will be no winner!