Oak Class

Oak Class Monday 27th April 2020

Good Morning Oak Class! Rise and shine!

We have some fun things to do this week so lets get started!

Phonics: This week we are learning the letter sound er. Can you say the sound in the word fern and person. Say it, stretch it, sound it out. If you can write the words down, ask the children if they could add the sound buttons too.

Maths: This week we are looking at money. Today can you find some change and see if you know the different coins. Can you sort them in order from the smallest value to the largest. Can you count some different amounts of coins and add them together. Why not write some money maths additions down?

Topic: This week we are looking at Festivals of Japan. Today can you find anything about the Doll Festival-Hina Matsuri, held on March 3rd. Could you try drawing or making a doll? I would love to see some of your pictures!

If you are having trouble uploading pictures on emails, you can use Tapestry instead.

Have a great day!

Mrs T