Maple Class

Maple Class home learning for Tuesday 5th May 2020

Spellings – add ‘es’ to action words ending with sh, ch, ss, x or a z to make the present tense (like cross=crosses, fish=fishes). 

Try these and put into sentences: 

Buzz, watch, push, pass, fix

English – look at the Year 2 common exception word list (see attachment). How many of these words can you spell? Can you spell them out loud? Can you write them in a list? How many can you write in a sentence? Can you use more than 1 word in the same sentence?

Maths – Here is a picture of nine of the houses in my street:

Find as many different ways to sort them into groups as you can. Record all the different possibilities in writing or pictures. 

Theme – this week we will be learning all about some of the culture, traditions and language in Japan. Below is a suggested list of activities to choose from, maybe pick one a day to explore. 

  • which language do they speak in Japan?
  • Can you learn to say “hello”, “goodbye” and “thank you” in Japanese? 
  • Can you count to 10 in Japanese? 
  • Can you explore Japanese writing? 
  • Can you write your name in Japanese?
  • What is the national sport of Japan? Can you research and practise some of the actions?
  • What food is traditionally eaten in Japan? 
  • Do people in Japan have any traditional good luck symbols? Find out what a “Maneki Neko” is and draw or make your own. 
  • Remember to celebrate the traditional festival of “Children’s day” on May 5th (Tuesday).

Thank you, Mrs Keeler.