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Elm Class Learning Thursday 21st May 2020

Happy Thursday! Hope you have been enjoying this glorious weather!

Spellings: Today for the prefixes we have looked at so far this week (im, ir, il, re and sub), can you practice a selection of these in your neatest handwriting? You will be tested on these words tomorrow!

Arithmetic: This week, we are going to practice long division. We have done this plenty of times in class, so you should have a good idea of the method, the key with this is to remember to write down the 2, 4, 5 and 10 times table of the number you are dividing by first, this will really help you later on with the calculation. Remember to also check your working back for any calculation errors. I have attached a video to explain this if you need a recap:

7689 ÷ 31=

6879 ÷ 23=

3876 ÷ 27=

Grammar: Today we are going to recap determiners. Determiners are the words that come before the noun to give the reader more information about the noun. For example, this could indicate how many of the noun there is or who the noun belongs to. Can you have a go at this determiner activity attached to the post?

English:  It has been said that the protagonist (main character) of a story can be identified by who has changed the most from the beginning to the end. Who do you think the protagonist of Goodnight Mister Tom was? Write a persuasive paragraph using evidence to back up your points to convince me that your choice is the actual protagonist.

Challenge: Imagine you are creating the film of the book. Who would you want to play the protagonist? What directions would you give them as to how the character grows and changes? Create an advert to find a good actor!

Maths: Have a look at the list of activities and choose your next Maths challenge! I would love to see some of your work and how you have got on!

Japan Activities for the week!

Our weekly focus for this week is: Round up Research!

This week I would like you to use your time to find out anything else about Japan which you haven’t found out yet! You could revisit any of the tasks from the previous weeks which you didn’t manage to complete or research your own interests!

Feel free to present this information in any way that you would like.

Take care and stay safe,

Miss Coates.