Oak Class

Oak Class Wednesday 10th June

Phonics: Use the blend dr to make the words drum, drip and drop. Say the words, sound them out, write them down, read them to someone in your house. Now, use the words to write sentences using one of the words.

Maths: Use the nrich website. Go to activities ages 5-7, Interactive Games and select Matching numbers for 2.

Literacy: Can you be a news reporter today? Why not report what is happening at home, or go outside and see what is happening out there! If it is raining, watch from a window and report on what you see! Can you write about it as if you are writing a news report! What would your headline be?

Science: Today we are thinking about ourselves, and comparing us to others around us. Why not draw a picture of you and your family. Now think about how you are the same and how you are different. Who is the tallest? Do you all have the same hair colour or eye colour. What makes us different?

Enjoy your day!

Mrs Tinkley x