Cedar Class

Cedar class learning for 19 JUN 2020

Spelling: Can you remember the spelling rule you have been learning this week? Get someone at home to test your memory of it, and then get them to pick out 10 words from your word list and see if you can spell them correctly!

Arithmetic: This week we looked at the times tables we already know, and their division facts. Get someone at home to test you on 5 multiplication questions and 5 division questions relating to your tables.

English: LO: to write a purposeful postcard using appropriate language.

We have written two postcards this week. I would like you to finish off this week by writing one more, but this time with a very specific focus!

This week you have been researching the climate and geography of Mexico. In your postcard today, I would like you to write a postcard to a scientist who has also been researching the climate and geography of Mexico. Pretend that you have actually been to Mexico, and provide them with the findings of your research! Don’t forget you only have a short space to include the most important bits of your research! You will need to think carefully about how formal the writing of your postcard needs to be.

The address of the scientist is:

Prof. E Blyth,

University of England Geo. Res. Int.,

PO Box 6226,

NR21 7AE.

United Kingdom.

Make sure your postcard has a helpful image on the front of it!

Maths: LO: to find and calculate fractions of money.

Today we will consider fractions in relation to money. Hopefully you identified that this was one of the ways we use fractions in life, which is why we need to know how fractions work!

In Mr Keeble’s fantastic department store there is an awesome sale on. I would like you to work out how much money you would have to spend on these items after working out how much money off there is in the sale. Don’t forget, if an item has 1/4 off you need to work out how much a quarter is and then subtract it from the original total. Don’t just say what a quarter is!

For example:

A can of coke is normally £1, but has 1/4 off. A quarter is 25p, but this doesn’t answer the question! I need to work out £1 – 25p. I know that £1 is the same as 100p, so 100p – 25p = 75p. My answer is 75p!

Work out the answers to these questions. They get more difficult as you progress through the questions. Whilst I would like you to try them all, if you get stuck you can make up some questions of your own:

1) A jar of jam is normally £1, but has 1/2 off. How much is it now?

2) A cup of tea is normally £2 but has 1/2 off. How much is it now?

3) A birthday cake is normally £10, but has 1/2 off. How much is it now?

4 A jar of pickle is normally £1, but has 1/4 off. How much is it now?
5) A cup of coffee is normally £2, but has 1/4 off. How much is it now?
6) A small wedding cake is normally £10, but has 1/4 off. How much is it now?
7) A bag of dog food is normally £15, but has 1/2 off. How much is it now?
8) A new suit is normally £250, but has 1/2 off. How much is it now?
9) A new ball dress is normally £1000, but has 3/4 off. How much is it now?
10) A gaming compute is normally £1000 but has 1/4 off. How much is it now?
11) New sale! There is now an extra 1/2 off the gaming computer! How much is it now?