Oak Class Monday 6th July
Phonics: This week we are looking at blends at the end of words. Can you use the letters n and d to blend to make the words end, send, bend and mend. Use a laptop to write the words down or use letterjoin to work on your handwriting. Have a go at writing a sentence using one of the words.
Maths: Today we are looking at subtraction. Count out 10 objects, Lego bricks, Toys, Cars etc. Now use a dice to roll the dice and take away the number of dots on the dice. See how many you have left.
Literacy: This week we are looking at stories with comics. Can you find any comics at home or pictures of comics on the computer. The stories are mostly told by using pictures. What is your favourite comic character? Draw a picture of your favourite character.
Topic: Mexico. Today we are going to make a traditional Mexican clay pot. You could use playdough or saltdough if you do not have clay.
They are very simple spiral pots and easy to make! Have a go!
Have fun! Mrs T