Cedar Class Mundford Junction

Parent comments:

Really enjoyed the session, especially being outside. 

The task contained so many different learning aspects and kept Charlie (and my two extras ) interested for the whole hour 

Many thanks for inviting us in đź™‚ 

Indi and I both really enjoyed that it was lovely and relaxed, and great to be outside too!

Lucy x

Thank you so much for yesterday’s Junction, it was lovely to be able to join in with the clay modelling and making of a habitat.  The children are so lucky to be encouraged to go outside and explore the natural resources around them and having time at the end to look at their workbooks is always appreciated.
I wouldn’t want to change anything, it was a great hour spent with Ayda.

Very enjoyable junction! Loved the outdoor setting; much nicer to have the space around you rather than feeling cooped up inside. Instructions for tasks were clear which was helpful as in previous years it has sometimes felt a bit confusing as to what is being asked to be done.