National Numeracy Day

We celebrated National Numeracy Day by focussing on money. The children explored coins, practised using them and then made and played maths games. They also learnt about how to be financially aware: knowing where money comes from, how to look after it and what influences their spending choices.

Some of the children were so inspired, they continued making money games at home!

RE Learning at Home

The children have done some fantastic R.E learning at home, including research, applying their knowledge to artwork and there have also been lots of great discussions over zoom about our R.E enquiry questions and some brilliantly thoughtful ideas. Take a look below at some of the fantastic work from Google Classroom; I will be on the look out for more great work this half term!


Owls learnt about the Easter story and important Christian symbols


Owls found out about the life and impact of Moses


Maple Class Tableaux

Maple Class made tableaux of the different events during Holy Week to help them write about them. Here we have Palm Sunday and Simon carrying the cross for Jesus.


Diwali themed Mundford Junction
