Gooderstone Church of England Primary Academy


Kestrels Class!

Autumn Term

We started off the year by reading the book Farther and by daring to dream!
This involved us looking at different jobs and what they require and we designed and built some flying machines! Our next book was Shackleton’s journey and the theme was journeys and discoveries. We learnt all about Ernest Shackleton and his expedition to Antarctica. We also studied Howard Carter and Ancient Egypt while drawing some animals for our expedition log. Did you know that Howard Carter was an incredible artist who drew and painted in watercolours?

Spring Term

We continued our learning about Egypt by looking at the book The Story of Tutankamun. Our theme was Lessons from the Past and Preserving our World. After half term, some flowers appeared in the classroom along with a letter from a secret gardener! We were tasked with learning all we can about how to preserve nature. In Science we looked at solids, liquids and gases which will lead onto our learning about global warming. Hopefully we can protect our futures! We have also been learning some songs from the past on ukulele, including Hound Dog and Stand by me.

Summer Term

This term we are going to learn about World War II by looking at the book The Lion and the Unicorn. Our theme is New Worlds and we will be answering some of the children’s questions including: Could we live on Mars?

Can we change this world?
Where could we live?
What is renewable energy?
Why is there war?
Will wars ever stop?
How was the world made?
Who made the world?
Are there other planets like Earth?
Could Wall-E happen?

We will be studying the art of Salvador Dali and will be looking at the structure of the Earth in Geography leading onto looking at natural disasters.

This term the Year 6s have the SATs. Please find some websites below which are great for revision and for tips.

Notices for the term:

  • P.E. days are Monday and Wednesday. Please ensure that you have a kit to change into.
  • Homework: Times Table Rockstars and reading. Either a grammar activity or a Maths activity to complete over the week.
    Our ‘Tell me what you know’ homework: What is Philosophy and how do people act morally? (R.E. focus)
  • Gathering date: 7th June 2024- all parents/ carers welcome!