Mundford Church of England Primary Academy

Maple Class

Welcome to Maple Class!

P.E Days

Monday with Mr Brotherhood and Tuesday with Mrs Ball

Thursdays: Forest Schools with Mrs Cross


Reading: Children should be encouraged to read to an adult regularly, as well as being asked comprehension questions about their reading, please log this in your reading diary.

Maths: Play on Story Mode on Numbots at least once a week.

Homework will be sent home weekly on Fridays, alternating maths and English tasks. A termly project based on previous topics will also be in their homework books with the expected due date. 

Online Resources

We have a number of online resources that you can use at home to help your children.

Bug Club Reading
Information regarding your child’s Bug Club login details can be found inside their yellow reading diaries. Please visit

This site allows children to practise their handwriting and spelling.
Refer to emailed school newsletters for log in details.

Purple Mash
We use Purple Mash for teaching computing, but is also contains games sections for practising English & Maths at home.  All children have their own individual log-in, which is printed inside their yellow reading diary if they cannot remember it.

PIXL Times Table App:
All Year 2 pupils have an individual log-in for the times table app – please speak to class teachers if they cannot remember this.
Apple App Store:
Google Play Store:

Phonics Play
This site has some good games and activities in the “Free phonics play” section to help your child practise phonics and tricky words we have been learning in class.