Maple Class home learning for Thursday 25th June 2020

Spelling – sometimes when writing, words may be shortened. These are known as abbreviations (like doctor = Dr). Try these examples and put into sentences: 

Kilogram, example, page, approximately 

English – try to write your own riddle. Think about the way you have been describing the objects and animals this week, and the riddles you may have read and researched. Try to write 3 or 4 clues to your riddle, without saying exactly what it is. 

Maths – today look at the “Interpreting Scaled Pictograms” page about pets and answer the questions below. 

Theme – this week we will be learning all about festivals in Mexico. Complete some research about Mexican festivals of your own, or have a look at the following:

  • ‘Cinco de Mayo’ when is it? What does it mean? How do Mexicans celebrate? 
  • When is Mexico Independence Day? How do Mexicans celebrate? 
  • When is the Mexican festival Day of the Dead? How long does it last? How do Mexicans celebrate and remember their loved ones?
  • What is “Semana Santa”? What time of year does it occur? 
  • What is “Las Posadas”? What do children eat during this festival? What do they do? 
  • Who is celebrated during the “Festival de Mexico”? What time of year does it happen? 
  • What are the main holidays celebrated in Mexico?
  • What is the biggest celebration in Mexico?
  • Which religious festivals are celebrated in Mexico?i

Thank you, Mrs Keeler

Thursday 24th June 2020 Elm Class learning

Spellings: This week, we are going to practice the spellings of words with the suffix ending ‘tious’. These are the words I would like you to practice this week: ambitious, cautious, fictitious, infectious, nutritious and continue to practice the ‘cious’ words to we learnt last week vicious, precious, conscious, delicious, malicious, suspicious, spacious, ferocious, atrocious. This will be your final day of practice with these words, can you write these out in your neatest handwriting?

Arithmetic: This week we are going to practice dividing fractions by a whole number, whilst also still practicing multiplying fractions, to ensure we don’t forget these skills. When you divide a fraction by a whole number, you actually multiply the denominator (the bottom number) of the fraction. Can you have a go at these? If you need a recap of multiplying fractions, the BBC bitesize website will help you with this:

3/6 x 2/8=

4/9 x 2/12=

3/8 x 4/7=

1/5 x 9=

2/6 x 9=

3/7 x 6=

4/12 ÷ 7=

5/6 ÷ 8=

4/8 ÷ 3=

Grammar: Have a look at the picture below. You open the tree door and enter, can you describe the door? What did you see behind the door? Can you use some relative clause sentences to describe what you see?

English:  L.O. To add to your description of the warden.

On Monday, you used your art skills to draw an image of what you thought the Warden might look like. Today can you have a go at the following?

  1. Add to your picture of the Warden with extra information and ideas you pick up from the last two chapters (16 and 17).
  2. Add a quotation from the text to support each idea you have about her. Remember to use quotation marks.

Maths: Thursday: L.O- I can draw a bar chart.

Today I would like you to have a go at constructing your own bar chart! You can either use the data you have collected this week or use the data in the table below from two of the Mexican cities. Remember to label your axis and give your graph a title. Think carefully about the scale that your graph might go up in. Remember the Y axis is the vertical line and usually has your scale of numbers going up it and the x axis is the horizontal axis which usually has your other variable along it such as the months of the year.

 Topic: Our weekly focus for this week is about Mexico is Festivals.

Suggested activities for the week:

·       Research different Mexican festivals! Find out where they happen and why.

·       Find a festival which interests you (some are listed below) and study the history of it. Is there a traditional story behind the celebration? Is it similar to any festivals we have in the UK?

·       Consider the religions of Mexico. What are the main religions? Do they celebrate the same things that we do?

·       Lots of festivals have traditional songs. Can you find any and have a listen? Do you enjoy them? How is the music made? Does it sounds like music we have at our festivals in the UK? Why/why not?

·       You could look up some of the foods associated with the festivals and try to recreate them.

·       Festivals you could consider:

o   Day of the Dead

o   Carnaval

o   Cinco de Mayo

o   Independence day

o   Las Posadas.

Well done for all of your fabulous hard work!

Miss Coates.

Cedar class learning for 25 JUN 2020

English: LO: to create a picture for a headline.

Newspapers make use of pictures to make them look more appealing to the reader. Pictures also contribute to the detail of the article; a famous saying is ‘a picture is worth a thousand words’, so a good article with a good picture is going to be very informative!

Today I would like you to create a picture for one of the below headlines. Draw a picture which matches the headline, and then create a caption for your picture; the caption describes what is happening in the picture or adds a bit of extra detail to it.

Flash flood ruins wedding!

Chaos as robot dog goes on the run.

Eggcitement at Easter event.

Boom! Building collapses due to loud music.

Maths: LO: to find fractions of measurements.

So far you have collected and presented data. Now that you have your data clearly presented in a chart or graph you can make statements about it. For example, my graph below shows that the majority of flowers in my garden are white. I can also clearly see that I have fewer pink flowers than any other flower colour.

Today, I would like you to create a bar chart for the following data. Once you have created your bar chart, write some statements about what the data show.

Different colours of cars in Tesco car park:

Black – 42

Blue – 31

Silver – 55

Gold – 4

Red – 18

Maple Class home learning for Wednesday 24th June 2020

Spelling – sometimes when writing, words may be shortened. These are known as abbreviations (like doctor = Dr). Try these examples and put into sentences: 

Kilometre, centimetre, street, anonymous. 

English – research riddles online, by visiting Can you solve the riddles by yourself? Which is your favourite riddle?

Maths – look at the “Favourite colour activity” and complete the missing sections.

Theme – this week we will be learning all about festivals in Mexico. Complete some research about Mexican festivals of your own, or have a look at the following:

  • ‘Cinco de Mayo’ when is it? What does it mean? How do Mexicans celebrate? 
  • When is Mexico Independence Day? How do Mexicans celebrate? 
  • When is the Mexican festival Day of the Dead? How long does it last? How do Mexicans celebrate and remember their loved ones?
  • What is “Semana Santa”? What time of year does it occur? 
  • What is “Las Posadas”? What do children eat during this festival? What do they do? 
  • Who is celebrated during the “Festival de Mexico”? What time of year does it happen? 
  • What are the main holidays celebrated in Mexico?
  • What is the biggest celebration in Mexico?
  • Which religious festivals are celebrated in Mexico?

Thank you, Mrs Keeler

Oak Class Wednesday 24th June

Phonics: Use the letters g and l to make the blend gl. Use the blend to help make the words glad, glee and gloom. Do you know what these words mean? Say the words, sound them out, write the words down and read them to someone in your house. Now use the words in a sentence. Write your sentence down. There are extra house points for those who can use more than 1 word in a sentence!

Maths: Use the website: Find the game Fruit Fall to continue with our data handling week!

Literacy: Use the bitesize website to find out more about poems and writing a poem.

What could you write a poem about? Have a go at writing your own poem.

Topic: Mexico. Can you have a go at making your own sugar skulls using sugar and egg whites. There are lots of different recipes to try. They are really good for decorating, but not so good for eating!

Have a good day. Mrs T

Thursday 24th June 2020 Elm Class Learning

Spellings: This week, we are going to practice the spellings of words with the suffix ending ‘tious’. These are the words I would like you to practice this week: ambitious, cautious, fictitious, infectious, nutritious and continue to practice the ‘cious’ words we learnt last week vicious, precious, conscious, delicious, malicious, suspicious, spacious, ferocious, atrocious. Can you have a go at practicing these spellings using some of the strategies on the spelling menu?

Arithmetic: This week we are going to practice dividing fractions by a whole number, whilst also still practicing multiplying fractions, to ensure we don’t forget these skills. When you divide a fraction by a whole number, you actually multiply the denominator (the bottom number) of the fraction. Can you have a go at these? If you need a recap of multiplying fractions, the BBC bitesize website will help you with this:

3/7 x 4/5 =

2/5 x 4/9=

1/3 x 7/8=

5/6 x 4=

3/7 x 8=

4/9 ÷ 6 =

7/12 ÷ 3=

Grammar: Below I have attached a picture of a pirate ship, Could you write some descriptive sentences which include relative clauses about the pirate ship and the pirates?

English: L.O. To read to the end of page 35 (up to chapter 18). Today I would just like you to continue to read more of Holes.

Maths: L.O- I can calculate the mean (average) of a set of data.

Another useful way of interpreting data and being able to understand the information our data is telling us, is to calculate the mean or average of a set of data. The average value in a set of numbers is the middle value, calculated by dividing the total of all the values by the number of values. The average of a set of data helps us to see the overall trend in the set of data. For example, to find the average temperature for a particular month, you would take the temperature each day and add these up, dividing the total by the number of days in the month there were. If this were for instance 25˚, this means that most of the temperatures each day were either 25˚ or close to this.

Can you have a go at this activity on finding the average that I have attached to the class webpage? You don’t need to print on the questions, just write your answers down on some paper.

If you finish this and would like an extra challenge, I have added some word problems which involve working out the average to the class webpage!

Topic: Our weekly focus for this week is about Mexico is Festivals.

Suggested activities for the week:

• Research different Mexican festivals! Find out where they happen and why.

• Find a festival which interests you (some are listed below) and study the history of it. Is there a traditional story behind the celebration? Is it similar to any festivals we have in the UK?

• Consider the religions of Mexico. What are the main religions? Do they celebrate the same things that we do?

• Lots of festivals have traditional songs. Can you find any and have a listen? Do you enjoy them? How is the music made? Does it sounds like music we have at our festivals in the UK? Why/why not?

• You could look up some of the foods associated with the festivals and try to recreate them.

• Festivals you could consider:

o Day of the Dead

o Carnaval

o Cinco de Mayo

o Independence day

o Las Posadas.

Stay safe,

Miss Coates.