Oak Class Monday 22nd June

Welcome to another week of learning and fun!

Phonics: Use the letters f and l to blend together to make the sound fl. Use the fl sound to make the words flag, flip and flop.

Say the words, sound them out, write the words. Use the words to make a sentence. Write the sentence. Read the sentence to someone in your home.

Maths: This week we will be having a focus on data handling. Today I would like you to go outside and watch the cars go by! Use or make your own tally on all the different colour cars going by. Remember to count in sets of 5, 4 lines and 1 across to make a bundle of 5. See which is the most popular colour car!

Literacy: I would like to know what you have been doing over the weekend? Have you been playing in the garden, making dens or did you go out to the zoo or the beach? Write down your news and draw a picture. See how much you can do all by yourself!

Topic: Mexico. This week we are going to be looking at festivals. Mexico has many festivals and fiestas throughout the year. Most of them include colourful costumes, music, dancing and food! What can you find out about the festivals in Mexico. One of the most well known festivals is The Day of The Dead where people dress up to celebrate life, and remember those who many longer be around. Why not try and draw your own skull picture and decorate it with flowers.

Have a great day!

Mrs T

Maple Class home learning for Monday 22nd June 2020

Spelling – a homograph is a word that may have more than one meaning or pronunciation (like bow = the front of a ship or to bend or a knot). Try these words and write a sentence for each meaning: 

Object, saw, desert.

English – this week we are going to learn about riddles. Today play “What am I?” with someone at home. Think of an animal and describe it without saying the name of the animal. Try to give clues about the animal, what does it look like? Where does it live? What does it eat?

Maths – this week we will be collecting data and interpreting it. Today, have a look at the “How Many in One Minute?” page and see what you can do in one minute. Keep a tally and add up the totals at the end. What could you do the most of in one minute? 

Theme – this week we will be learning all about festivals in Mexico. Complete some research about Mexican festivals of your own, or have a look at the following:

  • ‘Cinco de Mayo’ when is it? What does it mean? How do Mexicans celebrate? 
  • When is Mexico Independence Day? How do Mexicans celebrate? 
  • When is the Mexican festival Day of the Dead? How long does it last? How do Mexicans celebrate and remember their loved ones?
  • What is “Semana Santa”? What time of year does it occur? 
  • What is “Las Posadas”? What do children eat during this festival? What do they do? 
  • Who is celebrated during the “Festival de Mexico”? What time of year does it happen? 
  • What are the main holidays celebrated in Mexico?
  • What is the biggest celebration in Mexico?
  • Which religious festivals are celebrated in Mexico?

Thank you, Mrs Keeler

Monday 22nd June 2020 Elm Class learning

Welcome back to Monday, hope you all have had a wonderful weekend!

Spellings: This week, we are going to practice the spellings of words with the suffix ending ‘tious’. These are the words I would like you to practice this week: ambitious, cautious, fictitious, infectious, nutritious. Could you also continue to practice the cious words from last week? Your test at the end of the week will be on cious and tious ending words to ensure you continue to practice the previous spellings and not forget them! Today I would like you to take a page of your home learning book and design each word as a poster in your book. Some words you may draw a little picture next to, to help remind you of what they mean, or you may write them in different colours or fonts and sizes to split up the sounds in the words and stress certain letters, to help you remember the spellings.

‘cious’ words to practice: vicious, precious, conscious, delicious, malicious, suspicious, spacious, ferocious, atrocious

Arithmetic: This week we are going to practice dividing fractions by a whole number, whilst also still practicing multiplying fractions, to ensure we don’t forget these skills. When you divide a fraction by a whole number, you actually multiply the denominator (the bottom number) of the fraction. Can you have a go at these? If you need a recap of multiplying fractions, the BBC bitesize website will help you with this: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zhdwxnb/articles/z8fyv4j

2/3 x 4=

3/4 x 5 =

4/7 x 8=

3/5 x 2/8 =

2/5 x 7/8=

4/5 ÷ 6 =

5/9 ÷ 7 =

2/3 ÷ 4 =

Grammar: This week we are going to continue to focus on sentence structure, looking at how we can add extra clauses to a sentence to add more detail. Today we are going to be looking at relative clauses. Relative clauses add more information about the noun in a sentence and start with a relative pronoun – ‘who, which, that or whom’. Relative clauses are marked at the beginning and ending either with commas, brackets or dashes. Have a look at the activity below, can you link the two sentences together with a relative pronoun and mark the clause with punctuation?  

English: L.O: To consider the character of the warden.

Today I would like you think carefully about the character of the Warden! What do you know so far from what you have read? Your task:

  1. Draw a picture of how you imagine the Warden to look on a full page in your exercise book.
  2. Label the picture with as many ideas about her character as you can from the chapters we have just read.
  3. Add a quotation from the text to support each idea you have about her. Remember to use quotation marks.

Maths: Our focus in Maths this week is data handling. In year 5 and 6 we continue to develop our skills of collecting and presenting data in different formats including bar charts, line graphs and pie charts. We explore when and why the different types of graph are used and develop our skills in being able to choose the most appropriate graph for the type of data we have collected. We also build on our skills of interpreting and using data presented in pre constructed graphs, to help us in understanding the information the data tells us.

This week, we are going to create our own graphs from the data we have collected. We are going to focus on the weather over this week to form our data.

Could you record the highest temperatures of each day of the week? You may have a thermometer outside at home or you could use the internet or a newspaper to record the highest temperatures each day. A great website for this is the BBC weather website. https://www.bbc.co.uk/weather

An adult may have access to a weather app on a smart phone that could help you collect the maximum and minimum temperatures of each day next week.

You could create a rain gauge and collect data on the amount of rainfall each week. To help you with making a rain, I have attached some instructions on how to make one to the class webpage.

Could you research the temperature each day for a part of Mexico and record this? Or you could research the average temperature of Mexico each month and record this?

You could find out the highest wind speeds for each day or the percentage of humidity each day!

Monday: L.O- I can design a table for recording my data.

Today you need to think about how you could design the table that you will record and organise your data into. Have a look at the example table below, think carefully about your headings, linking to what you are measuring. You could also design a tally chart to make a tally of the different weather types that happen each day of the week.

Topic: Our weekly focus for this week is about Mexico is Festivals.

Suggested activities for the week:

·       Research different Mexican festivals! Find out where they happen and why.

·       Find a festival which interests you (some are listed below) and study the history of it. Is there a traditional story behind the celebration? Is it similar to any festivals we have in the UK?

·       Consider the religions of Mexico. What are the main religions? Do they celebrate the same things that we do?

·       Lots of festivals have traditional songs. Can you find any and have a listen? Do you enjoy them? How is the music made? Does it sounds like music we have at our festivals in the UK? Why/why not?

·       You could look up some of the foods associated with the festivals and try to recreate them.

·       Festivals you could consider:

o   Day of the Dead

o   Carnaval

o   Cinco de Mayo

o   Independence day

o   Las Posadas.

Thank you for your continued support,

Miss Coates. 

Cedar class learning for 22 JUN 2020

English: LO: to identify features of a newspaper article.

This week in English we will be looking into newspaper articles.. To start off, I would like you to think about what a newspaper article is! Write a list of the features of a newspaper article. What is the purpose of a newspaper article? If you have any newspapers at home, read an article and use this to help you identify the different features. What are the different types of newspaper?

Maths: LO: to define ‘data handling’.

This week we will be exploring data handling in our maths sessions. Data handling is the process of gathering, recording and presenting information in a way that is helpful to others. Today I would like you to create a definition poster on data handling; what does the above definition mean in simple terms? On your poster, include the definition and then think about how we can handle data. We present data using charts and graphs; what types of charts and graphs can you think of? Are there any other words associated with data handling (see below for some to help you), write what these words are and what they mean. Why is it important for us to be able to handle data? How is data used in our lives? Where might I see data presented in a graph or chart?

Related words: chart, graph, total, bar chart, tally chart, survey, total.

Rowan Class Home Learning Week beginning 22nd June

This week our whole school focus is Mexican festivals. See below for some suggestions, but feel free to work with brothers and sisters on anything related to this.

Spellings: ie and ei

This week we are going to use the “i before e, except after c” rule.” Like most rules in English, there are exception words that don’t follow it! However, it does work for most words where the letters ie or ei make an ee sound.

Arithmetic: Fraction Calculations
– Last week we revisited how to add, subtract and multiply fractions in Maths. This week I would like you to practise this so you remember how to do it.
– Can you make a poster to explain how to + or – fractions?
– Can you draw a bar model to prove why multiplying fractions is the same as adding them repeatedly?
– Write yourself 5 questions and see how quickly you can answer them. If you do this every day, can you improve your time by the end of the week?
– Year 5s should remember to check if their answer can be simplified.

Mexico Suggested Focus for the Week: Festivals

You might like to find out:

  • What kinds of festivals and celebrations do they have in Mexico?
  • Can you find out when, where, why & how they are celebrated?
  • Research the Mexican Day of the Dead – you could compare it to how people in our country celebrate Halloween.
  • What kind of foods might you eat if you were taking part in a Mexican celebration?
  • Can you learn how to say Happy Birthday in Spanish (which is spoken in Mexico)?
  • What are the main religions in Mexico? What religious festivals do they take part in?

Suggested Activities:

  • Watch a video about the Day of the Dead festival here.
  • Make a skull model, lantern or mask to celebrate the Day of the Dead.
  • Try some Mexican cooking. You can find recipes suitable for kids here and here or download the Pan de Meurta & hot chocolate recipes from below.
  • Learn some Spanish words (download an activity on this below).
  • Can you find things at home to make a Day of the Dead costume, make a mask or use face paints and make-up to dress up?
  • Make decorations for any of the other festivals you have learnt about.

English Suggestions

Monday: Reading
– Download the reading comprehension below about the Mexican Day of the Dead (I suggest Year 5s try the two star ** version and Year 4s the one star * version but feel free to challenge yourself more if you can!).
– Or do your own research into Mexican festivals. For each festival try to find out: what it is called, when it is held, why it is celebrated, how it is celebrated.

Tuesday: Conjunctions
– Today we are going to practise using conjunctions to compare two festivals, in particular using: whereas, however, similarly & which is also. Year 5s should correctly place the comma between the main & subordinate clause too.
– Examples to show differences: The Day of the Dead is celebrated in Mexico, whereas Halloween is celebrated in the UK and USA. Halloween lasts for one day, however the Day of the Dead lasts for three days.
– Examples to show similarities: The Day of Dead celebrations start on the 31st October, which is also the same day as Halloween. During the celebration people dress as skeletons and decorate their faces, similarly people wear fancy dress costumes for Halloween.
– Can you write some sentences of your own to compare a Mexican festival with a celebration that you have experienced? You could even try and compare a Mexican festival to one of the Japanese festivals you learnt about before half-term.

Wednesday: Features of Instructions
– Can you find different sets of instructions at home? You might find instructions for games, recipes or making something?
– What are the features of instructions?
– Can you read and follow a set of instructions?
– See the downloads below for some instructions for making bread, hot chocolate or a skull model.

Thursday: Writing Instructions
– Today you are going to write a set of instructions. You will find this easiest if it is instructions for something you have actually done: something you have made or a recipe you have cooked.
– Features of instructions include: a title and introduction to make the reader want to follow them; an equipment or ingredients list; a method sub-heading; imperative (bossy) verbs; adverbs; written in chronological order (the order you should follow the steps).
– Last week you learnt to punctuate bullet points correctly. You can use these in your instructions today.

Friday: Instructions
– If you need more time you can finish writing your instructions from yesterday.
– Now I want you to test them out. Is there someone else who can read and follow your instructions? Do they work? Do you need to add or change anything to make them clearer to follow?

Maths: Data Handling

This week’s data handling activities are all based around the weather. If possible, can you record information about the weather every day ready to use on Friday? Possible data to collect:
– Make a rain gauge and record the amount of rain every day. You can find instructions here.
– Make a chart to record weather observations on, e.g. sunny, cloudy, partly-sunny etc.
– If you have a thermometer at home, can you measure the temperature at the same time every day?
– Does someone in your family have a smart phone with a weather app? If so, you can get lots of information about the weather each day. You can also look this information up in a newspaper or on the internet.
– Can you go online and find out what the weather is like in Mexico each day?
– You can also find lots of data about the weather on the https://www.metoffice.gov.uk/met office website.

Monday: Draw tables for collecting and organising your weather data. These could include:
– a tally chart for recording types of weather.
– a table with headings for each day of the week & measurements (e.g. temperature, amount of rain).

Tuesday: Interpreting Graphs
Look at this climate information for two places in Mexico.

What do they tell you about the weather pattern in Mexico throughout the year?
Can you answer these questions:
– Estimate the maximum temperature during the hottest month of the year?
– Which months of the year are the coldest?
– Which month has approximately 5 hours of sunshine?
– In which month does the amount of rain start to fall below 100mm?
– Which is the driest month in Tijuana?
– Is there more rain in Tijuana or Mexico City in April (check the units carefully before you answer)?
– CHALLENGE: Can you calculate how many hours of sunshine there would be in total during the month of January?
– SUPERCHALLENGE: Can you work out the total hours of sunshine for a whole year?

Wednesday: Calculating Averages
– To calculate the mean average of a set of data, we add all the values up and then divide by the amount there were.
– For example if I roll a dice 10 times and score: 3, 4, 3, 1, 1, 2, 6, 3, 5, 3. To work out the average add them all up (3+4+3+1+1+2+6+3+5+3) = 31. Then divide by ten = 3.1
– Roll a dice ten time and calculate your average score.
– Can you calculate the average age of the people in your household? (You might need a calculator for the division!)
– Can you calculate the average temperature or rainfall from your weather data so far?

Thursday: Draw a bar chart
– Can you draw a bar chart using some of the data you have collected this week?
– Or use the Tijuana data in the table above to draw a bar chart.
– Make sure your chart has a title and clearly labelled axis (numbers & units).

Friday: Draw a line graph
– Line graphs are used for continuous data such as time where the points in-between the measurements have a meaning.
– To draw a line graph you first need to work out your scale (what are your numbers counting up in on each axis?), then you put a small cross for each measurement, finally join them up with a line.
– Can you use one of the sets of data you have collected or looked at this week to draw a line graph?


Day of the Dead Reading Comprehension

Pan de Meurta & Hot Chocolate Recipe

Printable Skull Model

Lantern Instructions

Spanish words activity

Useful Links

Purple Mash

National Geographic for Kids https://www.natgeokids.com/uk/

Maple Class home learning for Friday 19th June 2020

Spellings – can you recall all the spelling rules we’ve looked at this week? Pick some of the words and practise spelling them out loud, or writing them down. Can you ask a grown up to test you on some of the words? How many can you remember?

English – perform your poem for an audience today. Read it aloud and add actions if that helps. Could you ask someone to film it and post on our sharing assembly post, or email it to me. I’d love to see them. 

Maths – using all your fraction knowledge, try these fraction questions and word problems today! Which fractions are you confident with, and which do you need a little more practise? 

Theme – this week we will be thinking about the climate and geography of Mexico. Below is a list of suggestions, pick an activity you are interested in. 

– where in the world is Mexico? Find out which continent it is in. 

– What is the capital city of Mexico?

– What does Mexico look like? Can you draw the shape of the country and label the capital city? 

– Which oceans are near Mexico? Can you label them on your map? 

– What does the flag of Mexico look like? Can you make your own Mexican flag? You could use pencils, paint, collage materials, chalks. 

– What would you like to learn/find out about Mexico? Write some questions to explore and answer over this half term.

– What is the weather like in Mexico today? Can you research on the internet to find out? Is it warmer or cooler than England? How would you describe the weather in Mexico? How does it compare to the weather at home? What is the temperature in Mexico? Is the temperature in England higher or lower? 

– What is the population of Mexico? How many people live there? (How many people live in England?)

– Can you name some rivers in Mexico? 

Thank you, Mrs Keeler.

Elm Class Learning Friday 19th June 2020

Sharing assembly day! I would love to see the fantastic work you have been up to this week! You can share photos on this post or send some examples to me!

Spellings: Can you get someone to test you on the cious words we have be learning this week? How did you do? Are there some you may need a little more practice on?

Arithmetic: I have uploaded the next arithmetic test for you to have a go at and the answers, so you can check your answers. The best thing you can take from these is to have a look at the areas you struggled with, note these down and these are the areas to focus your practice on for next time.

Grammar: I have taken some questions from a previous grammar SATs paper on the skills we have been practicing this week. Can you have a go at these?

English: L.O. To read up to page 32 (on the PDF but in the book make sure you read up to the beginning of chapter 16).

There is quite a bit of reading today so you only need to read.

Remember, if you come across a word you do not understand, read it slowly, then consider the context of the sentence. If you are still unsure ask someone what it means or get a dictionary!

You may want to practise reading aloud to someone to ensure that you are fluent and have the correct expression.

Maths: Today is our last day on fractions! Could you have a go at some of the real life word problems using fractions perhaps? Could you try a new activity that you haven’t done yet this week?


Today is our last day on the climate and Geography of Mexico! Can you find out something different today?

Suggested activities for the week:

•      Locate Mexico on a map and describe its location. What continent is it in? Which other countries are near it? Is it in the northern or southern hemisphere?

•      Research the weather in Mexico. Is it similar to the weather in the U.K.? Why might this be the case? Could you create a temperature/rainfall graph to show the temperature/rainfall throughout the year?

•      Are the seasons the same in Mexico? Why/why not?

•      Research the plantlife in Mexico. Are there any species of plant native to Mexico? Could you draw or paint these?

•      Research the wildlife of Mexico. Present this information in a fun way- perhaps in a poster.

•      What is the landscape of Mexico like? Are there any famous mountains or rivers? Is it similar of different to the U.K.?

•      Have there been any big natural disasters in Mexico? Why have these happened? You could write a newspaper report of one of these or a diary entry from someone who was there.

•      Research famous landmarks in Mexico.

•      Research the capital city of Mexico and compare it to other capital cities.

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Coates.

Oak Class Friday 19th June

It is Feel Good Friday! Well done for working hard for another week! I have seen some super work from home and at school! Great learning Oak Class! Keep it up!

Phonics: Today I would like you to use the letters b and r to make the blend br. Can you say the word brick. What sounds can you hear? Say the sounds, write them down and use the word in a sentence. What other words can you think of that have a br blend at the beginning? Use your brilliant brain to think of some more words!

Maths: You have all been working hard finding half of an amount. Now can you try finding a quarter or an amount? Why not use some sweets with 4 toys and share them out equally? How many do they have each if you have 20 sweets? You could draw pictures to show your answer!

Literacy: We have been looking at rhyming words this week. Can you read some rhymes or read some rhyming books? Listen to Mrs Godbold’s Oi story on Facebook again! Find rhymes that you really like. Read the rhyme I found. I quite like this one!

Topic: Find out what the land of Mexico is like? Does it have mountains, volcanoes, beaches, rain forests? Can you paint or draw a picture of the different landscapes you could find in Mexico. I would love to see some of your artwork!

have a great day and a super weekend!

Stay safe

Mrs T xxx

Skylarks suggested learning Friday 19th June

Maths – Can you design and create your own game of fraction snap using equivalent fractions as pairs? You could write the fractions and draw some that match, make matching equivalent fractions such as 1/4 and 2/8 and if you want a challenge you could create decimal equivalent cards too. 

English – To write your diary entry from the point of view of the girl. 

Afternoon – Today is the last day working on the geography and climate of Mexico. Find out some more things about the region by doing an activity from the list or another class list. 

Cedar class learning for 19 JUN 2020

Spelling: Can you remember the spelling rule you have been learning this week? Get someone at home to test your memory of it, and then get them to pick out 10 words from your word list and see if you can spell them correctly!

Arithmetic: This week we looked at the times tables we already know, and their division facts. Get someone at home to test you on 5 multiplication questions and 5 division questions relating to your tables.

English: LO: to write a purposeful postcard using appropriate language.

We have written two postcards this week. I would like you to finish off this week by writing one more, but this time with a very specific focus!

This week you have been researching the climate and geography of Mexico. In your postcard today, I would like you to write a postcard to a scientist who has also been researching the climate and geography of Mexico. Pretend that you have actually been to Mexico, and provide them with the findings of your research! Don’t forget you only have a short space to include the most important bits of your research! You will need to think carefully about how formal the writing of your postcard needs to be.

The address of the scientist is:

Prof. E Blyth,

University of England Geo. Res. Int.,

PO Box 6226,

NR21 7AE.

United Kingdom.

Make sure your postcard has a helpful image on the front of it!

Maths: LO: to find and calculate fractions of money.

Today we will consider fractions in relation to money. Hopefully you identified that this was one of the ways we use fractions in life, which is why we need to know how fractions work!

In Mr Keeble’s fantastic department store there is an awesome sale on. I would like you to work out how much money you would have to spend on these items after working out how much money off there is in the sale. Don’t forget, if an item has 1/4 off you need to work out how much a quarter is and then subtract it from the original total. Don’t just say what a quarter is!

For example:

A can of coke is normally £1, but has 1/4 off. A quarter is 25p, but this doesn’t answer the question! I need to work out £1 – 25p. I know that £1 is the same as 100p, so 100p – 25p = 75p. My answer is 75p!

Work out the answers to these questions. They get more difficult as you progress through the questions. Whilst I would like you to try them all, if you get stuck you can make up some questions of your own:

1) A jar of jam is normally £1, but has 1/2 off. How much is it now?

2) A cup of tea is normally £2 but has 1/2 off. How much is it now?

3) A birthday cake is normally £10, but has 1/2 off. How much is it now?

4 A jar of pickle is normally £1, but has 1/4 off. How much is it now?
5) A cup of coffee is normally £2, but has 1/4 off. How much is it now?
6) A small wedding cake is normally £10, but has 1/4 off. How much is it now?
7) A bag of dog food is normally £15, but has 1/2 off. How much is it now?
8) A new suit is normally £250, but has 1/2 off. How much is it now?
9) A new ball dress is normally £1000, but has 3/4 off. How much is it now?
10) A gaming compute is normally £1000 but has 1/4 off. How much is it now?
11) New sale! There is now an extra 1/2 off the gaming computer! How much is it now?