Maple Class home learning for Thursday 18th June 2020

Spellings – homophones are words that have the same sound but a different meaning (like a pair of scissors or a pear is a sweet fruit). Write another word that sounds the same as, but has a different meaning to:

Paws, route, male, threw, not, main

English – practise reading a poem today, and see if you can learn it off by heart to perform for someone tomorrow. Could you add some actions to help you remember the different parts? Practise at different times during the day and challenge yourself to see how much you can remember. 

Maths – continue to look at thirds today. Can you find two thirds of an object or amount? What would it look like? How would you write it down? Using Lego can you make a model that is one third one colour and two thirds a different colour.

Theme – this week we will be thinking about the climate and geography of Mexico. Below is a list of suggestions, pick an activity you are interested in. 

– where in the world is Mexico? Find out which continent it is in. 

– What is the capital city of Mexico?

– What does Mexico look like? Can you draw the shape of the country and label the capital city? 

– Which oceans are near Mexico? Can you label them on your map? 

– What does the flag of Mexico look like? Can you make your own Mexican flag? You could use pencils, paint, collage materials, chalks. 

– What would you like to learn/find out about Mexico? Write some questions to explore and answer over this half term.

– What is the weather like in Mexico today? Can you research on the internet to find out? Is it warmer or cooler than England? How would you describe the weather in Mexico? How does it compare to the weather at home? What is the temperature in Mexico? Is the temperature in England higher or lower? 

– What is the population of Mexico? How many people live there? (How many people live in England?)

– Can you name some rivers in Mexico? 

Thank you, Mrs Keeler.

Oak Class Thursday 18th June

Phonics:Use the letters cr to blend together to make the words crisp and crunch. Can you say the words, sound them out, write them down and read them so someone in your home. Can you write a sentence, now cut up the sentence, jumble up the words and see if you can sort them back in the right order.

Maths: Can you find 10 pieces of Lego or blocks or toys. Now share them out between 2 people. How many do you have now? Do you have the same amount? You have found half of 10. Now get 20 pieces of Lego and do the same? Can you predict how many you will have each?

Literacy: Today you could make your own rhyming rocket. Pick one word and make a list of all the words you can think of that rhyme with that word. Write your words on your own rhyming rocket!

Topic: Mexico. What is the weather like in Mexico today? Is it the same weather as we are having? Are there seasons in Mexico? What is the temperature like in Mexico? Can you make your own weather symbols so you can make your own weather forecast!

Have a great day everyone!  

Thursday 18th June 2020 Elm Class learning

Spellings: Today we are going back to practicing words with the suffix ending ‘cious’. With these words, usually if the root word ends in –ce, the sound is usually spelt as cious rather than ious – e.g, grace – gracious, space, spacious.

This is your last day to practice cious words, before someone tests you tomorrow. Can you practice your spellings using some fun strategies from the spelling menu?

Here are some example words to practice: vicious, precious, conscious, delicious, malicious, suspicious, spacious, ferocious, atrocious

Arithmetic: This week, we are going to recap multiplying fractions. Remember, when you multiply a fraction by a whole number, you multiply the numerator (or top of the fraction) and when you multiply two fractions together, you multiply both the numerators together and both the denominators. If you want to challenge yourself further, you can have a go at simplifying the fraction after the calculation.

See if you can attempt these below:

4/9 x 5 =

2/3 x 4 =

3/8 x 9=

1/8 x 6=

3/7 x 4/5=

6/9 x 5/10=

4/6 x 2/8=

Grammar: Today we are going to continue to look at co-ordinating conjunctions. Before we were looking at subordinate conjunctions, which join a main clause to a subordinate clause, whereas we are now going to be using coordinating conjunctions which join two main clauses together. Remember: Main clauses could be standalone sentences themselves and subordinate clause add more information to the sentence, but do not make sense alone. The coordinating conjunctions can be remembered using the saying FANBOYS- for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so.

Your task today: Think of some activities you have done during lockdown and when you have been at home, can you write some sentences to describe these, including a co-ordinating conjunction?

For example: At the weekend we went for a bike ride, but it was too hot to go very far.

English: L.O. To write about Madame Zeroni. From reading the story Holes, you will have come across the character, Madame Zeroni

Madame Zeroni is a mysterious woman and she has had an interesting life. She knows many stories –

Your task is to write one of her amazing stories:

•      A story of her curses?

•      A story of her fortune telling?

•      A story about how she lost her foot?

•      A tale of gold and fortunes?

Creative Writing Techniques

      Simile/metaphor/personification

      Verbs/adverbs

      Adjectives

      5 senses

      Varied sentence length

      Ambitious vocabulary

Maths: What fraction activity will you choose today? Could you have a go at multiplying fractions or converting improper fractions to mixed numbers? Could you create your own snap game of equivalent fractions?

Topic: For the next four weeks, you will be studying Mexico!

Everyone in the school is doing the same project so that if you have younger siblings, then you can all do similar activities and teach each other things.

I have suggested some activities below which are suitable for a Year 5/6 class but can also be done by younger children with some help.

Choose the activities you would most like to do and present them creatively! You can present your work however you like, for example, in the form of artwork, a scrapbook, a PowerPoint.

Our weekly focus for this week is Climate and Geography.

Suggested activities for the week:

•      Locate Mexico on a map and describe its location. What continent is it in? Which other countries are near it? Is it in the northern or southern hemisphere?

•      Research the weather in Mexico. Is it similar to the weather in the U.K.? Why might this be the case? Could you create a temperature/rainfall graph to show the temperature/rainfall throughout the year?

•      Are the seasons the same in Mexico? Why/why not?

•      Research the plantlife in Mexico. Are there any species of plant native to Mexico? Could you draw or paint these?

•      Research the wildlife of Mexico. Present this information in a fun way- perhaps in a poster.

•      What is the landscape of Mexico like? Are there any famous mountains or rivers? Is it similar of different to the U.K.?

•      Have there been any big natural disasters in Mexico? Why have these happened? You could write a newspaper report of one of these or a diary entry from someone who was there.

•      Research famous landmarks in Mexico.

•      Research the capital city of Mexico and compare it to other capital cities.

Thank you for your continued support,

Miss Coates.

Skylarks suggested learning Thursday 18th June

Maths: Design a fraction robot and write down what fraction of the whole robot different parts of the body are. For example, feet = 1/6 

English: Plan a diary entry from the perspective of the girl who stole the old lady’s handbag. Think about how she feels about living in the city, what she did, what will happen next. Jot down some notes to use in your diary entry tomorrow. 

Afternoon – Choose another activity to help you learn about the climate and geography of Mexico. 

Cedar class learning for 18 JUN 2020

English: LO: to create a more formal postcard.

Today I would like you to build on what you did yesterday by creating a more formal postcard! Like Tuesday, create a postcard from a place you either have visited, or would like to visit. Start off by cutting out a postcard piece of paper or card. Draw on the front of it to show where the postcard is being sent from (you could even make up a fantasy land if you would rather!),  on the reverse write a message to someone in a more formal style of writing. If you would like to write a postcard to me, feel free to email it to me afterwards so that I can read it! All of your parents should have received an email from me, if you’ve lost my email address it is: Don’t forget to include an address, and definitely don’t forget that the people who are involved in posting and sending your letter can also read it!

Maths: LO: to find fractions of measurements.

So far we have looked at adding and subtracting fractions with the same denominator. Today I would like you to look at calculating fractions of objects around your home; this will involve using your measurement skills!

Find an object in your home which you can measure: this could be something you measure with a ruler such as the length of a room or the size of a toy, or a measurement of a liquid. Start off by measuring the object, then I would like you to calculate what the size or amount would be if you had:

1) Half the amount.

2) A quarter of the amount.

3) Challenge question: 3/4 of the amount.

For example: If I had a pencil in front of me which was 14cm long:

1) Half the pencil is 7cm.

2) A quarter of the pencil is 3.5cm.

3) Three quarters of the pencil is 10.5cm.

You can use any object which can be measured for this activity. Try and use at least 5 different objects.

Skylarks suggested learning Wednesday 17th June

Maths – Comparing fractions of an amount. Can you work out which of the two options you’d rather have by calculating how much each would be? Choose either challenge 1 or 2 depending on how confident you feel. There is an extension to try if you feel like you need it!

English – I would like you to do some drama today to find out a little more about how the character of the girl from The Promise might be feeling after she has stolen the lady’s bag and found the acorns. 

Afternoon – Choose another activity from the list to learn about the climate and geography of Mexico. 

Maple Class home learning for Wednesday 17th June 2020

Spellings – the letter c can have a hard sound (when with an a, o or u) or a soft sound (when with an e, i, y). Hard c = candle, cave, cuddle. Soft c = circus, cymbals. Sort these words into hard or soft c sounds:

Caring, curly, cycle, comedy, citizen, cat

English – today get crafty and make some puppets to retell a fairy story or your own made up story. You could use old socks, lolly sticks or paper to make some of the characters and act out the story with them. Have a practise first before you perform for someone at home. 

Maths – today can you explore different ways to find a third? What does it look like? How would you write it? Can you cut your sandwich into thirds? Can you share your crisps into thirds? Can you draw some shapes and fold them into thirds? Remember each third must be equal. 

Theme – this week we will be thinking about the climate and geography of Mexico. Below is a list of suggestions, pick an activity you are interested in. 

– where in the world is Mexico? Find out which continent it is in. 

– What is the capital city of Mexico?

– What does Mexico look like? Can you draw the shape of the country and label the capital city? 

– Which oceans are near Mexico? Can you label them on your map? 

– What does the flag of Mexico look like? Can you make your own Mexican flag? You could use pencils, paint, collage materials, chalks. 

– What would you like to learn/find out about Mexico? Write some questions to explore and answer over this half term.

– What is the weather like in Mexico today? Can you research on the internet to find out? Is it warmer or cooler than England? How would you describe the weather in Mexico? How does it compare to the weather at home? What is the temperature in Mexico? Is the temperature in England higher or lower? 

– What is the population of Mexico? How many people live there? (How many people live in England?)

– Can you name some rivers in Mexico? 

Thank you, Mrs Keeler.

Wednesday 17th 2020 Elm Class learning

Spellings: Today we are going back to practicing words with the suffix ending ‘cious’. With these words, usually if the root word ends in –ce, the sound is usually spelt as cious rather than ious – e.g, grace – gracious, space, spacious.

Can you practice these spellings in your neatest handwriting?

Here are some example words to practice: vicious, precious, conscious, delicious, malicious, suspicious, spacious, ferocious, atrocious

Arithmetic: This week, we are going to recap multiplying fractions. Remember, when you multiply a fraction by a whole number, you multiply the numerator (or top of the fraction) and when you multiply two fractions together, you multiply both the numerators together and both the denominators. If you want to challenge yourself further, you can have a go at simplifying the fraction after the calculation.

See if you can attempt these below:

3/7 x 9=

4/5 x 8=

2/7 x 4=

2/6 x 9=

2/5 x 6/7=

5/6 x 7/8=

2/3 x 9/10=

Grammar: Today we are going to be looking at co-ordinating conjunctions. Before we were looking at subordinate conjunctions, which join a main clause to a subordinate clause, whereas we are now going to be using coordinating conjunctions which join two main clauses together. Remember: Main clauses could be standalone sentences themselves and subordinate clause add more information to the sentence, but do not make sense alone. The coordinating conjunctions can be remembered using the saying FANBOYS- for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so. Can you have a go at the activity below, using the coordinating conjunctions? Could you then have a go at making up some of your own sentences including co-ordinating conjunctions?

English: L.O. To write a letter with a particular perspective. Today we are going to have a go at letter writing! Can you read up to page 22- (beginning of chapter 10). Stanley has begun a letter to his mother. He pretends to be enjoying his time at Camp Green Lake.

However, he stops writing as he is interrupted. Your task is to complete his letter.

Can you have a go at including the following in the letter?

•      Use the correct structure

•      Write in the voice of Stanley

•      Include information about Stanley’s friends

•      Include information about the activities at the camp

Remember to pretend that you are enjoying camp!

Maths: Can you choose something else from the list to have a go at? Could you maybe use lego to make some fractions? What fraction is blue or red? Could you write some equivalent fractions to this? Could you create a fraction numberline and add on some equivalent fractions? Could you have a go at adding and subtracting fractions using the activity sheet on the class webpage? I look forward to seeing all of your wonderful Maths!

Topic: For the next four weeks, you will be studying Mexico!

Everyone in the school is doing the same project so that if you have younger siblings, then you can all do similar activities and teach each other things.

I have suggested some activities below which are suitable for a Year 5/6 class but can also be done by younger children with some help.

Choose the activities you would most like to do and present them creatively! You can present your work however you like, for example, in the form of artwork, a scrapbook, a PowerPoint.

Our weekly focus for this week is Climate and Geography.

Suggested activities for the week:

•      Locate Mexico on a map and describe its location. What continent is it in? Which other countries are near it? Is it in the northern or southern hemisphere?

•      Research the weather in Mexico. Is it similar to the weather in the U.K.? Why might this be the case? Could you create a temperature/rainfall graph to show the temperature/rainfall throughout the year?

•      Are the seasons the same in Mexico? Why/why not?

•      Research the plantlife in Mexico. Are there any species of plant native to Mexico? Could you draw or paint these?

•      Research the wildlife of Mexico. Present this information in a fun way- perhaps in a poster.

•      What is the landscape of Mexico like? Are there any famous mountains or rivers? Is it similar of different to the U.K.?

•      Have there been any big natural disasters in Mexico? Why have these happened? You could write a newspaper report of one of these or a diary entry from someone who was there.

•      Research famous landmarks in Mexico.

•      Research the capital city of Mexico and compare it to other capital cities.

Thank you for your continued support,

Miss Coates. 

Miss Coates.

Oak Class Wednesday 17th June

Phonics: Use the letters c and r to blend to make the words crab, crib and cross.Say the words, sound them out, write them down. Use the words in a sentence. Write the sentence and then read it to someone in your home.

Literacy: Can you make a rhyming basket? Look around your home, in the garden and through your toys. Can you find objects that rhyme? Add them to a basket. Now see if you can remember which ones rhyme. Try taking one object out, and seeing if your child notices which one is missing.

Can you write the rhyming words down? In our rhyming basket at school we had things like spoon and balloon, clock and sock, Lego man and pan. See what you can find to rhyme!

Topic: Can you find out what is the capital of Mexico? What does it look like? What can you find out about it?Have a fun day!

Mrs T x